DATNOD.100 (c) 1990 Copyright by Paul Globman DATNOD.BA is BASIC version of DATFIL that only allows the display function, and accesses data files stored in the Node RAMPAC/Datapac. This program requires N-READ.CO to be RAM. The program runs like DATFIL with data files in RAMPAC. Enter data file name at the "Enter Filename" prompt, or type "END" to exit to the Model 100 menu. Like DATFIL, the search string is case sensitive. After each record is displayed the program stops and waits for input. Any key to continue search or "N" to discontinue, as in DATFIL. To link one file to another, use DATFIL to add one final record. The first data field (in the last record) must be "//filnam". If the last record contains "//vendor" in the first field, then when DATNOD finishes searching current file, it will continue the search in VENDOR.DO (also stored in RAMPAC), using the same search string. The two data files need not have the same format or number of fields. Note: ----- This program does not require RAMDSK.CO and will work with Datapac's using the option ROM. It does require N-READ.CO. The program can be further modified to bring N-READ into RAM from the Datapac and can be made to create a new DATFIL data file, of selected data records that match the search string. There is a lot of potential for a variety of applications, including mailing lists and information management, based on large databases (by linking several smaller files). I leave the development of such applications to the individual users. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 REM DATNOD.100 (C) 1990 BY P.GLOBMAN 10 MAXFILES=1 20 CLS:PRINT@45,"Enter Filename: "F$ 30 PRINT@61,"";:LINEINPUT F1$ 40 S$="":IFF1$=""THEN60ELSEF$=F1$ 50 IFINSTR(1,"ENDend",F1$)>0THENMENU 60 PRINT@85,"";:INPUT"Search string";S$ 70 OPEN"TMP"FOROUTPUTAS1:PRINT#1,F$ 75 PRINT#1,S$:CLOSE:LOADM"N-READ" 80 OPEN"TMP"FORINPUTAS1:INPUT#1,F$,S$ 85 KILL"TMP.DO":NR=64704:X$="" 90 CALLNR,1,VARPTR(F$) 100 GOSUB250:NF=VAL(X$) 110 FORI=1TONF:GOSUB250:FN$(I)=X$ 120 GOSUB250:PA(I)=VAL(X$):NEXT 130 FORI=1TONF:GOSUB250 140 IFPEEK(NR+3)<>1THENBEEP:GOTO20 150 FD$(I)=X$:NEXT:IFS$=""THEN220 160 IFLEFT$(FD$(1),2)<>"//"THEN190 170 F$=RIGHT$(FD$(1),LEN(FD$(1))-2) 180 GOTO70 190 FORI=1TONF 200 IFINSTR(1,FD$(I),S$)<>0THEN220 210 NEXT:GOTO130 220 CLS:FORI=1TONF:PRINT@PA(I),FD$(I) 230 NEXT:PRINT@0,"";:AN$=INPUT$(1) 240 IFINSTR(1,"Nn",AN$)THEN20ELSE130 250 CALLNR,2,VARPTR(X$):RETURN