14 '**Notes on Label Printing Routine** 15 ' As written, it should be compatible with Star/Gemini & RS printers 16 ' To customize for other printers, change graphics characters in lines 81 & 82 17 ' Use Char List from M100 manual and match to your printer's list 18 ' Variable names are: 19 ' TL=Top Left,CB=Center Bar,TR=Top Right,SB=Side Bar,BL=Bottom Left,BR=Bottom Right 34 CLOSE:LINEINPUT"Print Disk Label? ";R$:IF(ASC(R$)AND223)=89THEN80ELSE100 79 ' 80 IF(INP(187)AND6)<>2THENPRINT" Turn Printer <>";:GOTO80 81 TL$=CHR$(240):CB$=CHR$(241):TR$=CHR$(242) 82 SB$=CHR$(245):BL$=CHR$(246):BR$=CHR$(247) 83 LPRINTCHR$(27)"@":LC=1:SP$=" -.- ":LPRINTCHR$(15):'<-- sets compressed print 84 OPEN"DSKTMP.DO"FORINPUTAS1 85 LPRINTTL$STRING$(41,CB$)TR$ 86 LN$="":LN$=SB$+" " 87 FORI=1TO4:LINEINPUT#1,A$:IFLEFT$(A$,1)=" "THEN90 88 LN$=LN$+LEFT$(A$,10):NEXTI 89 LPRINTLN$SB$:LC=LC+1:GOTO86 90 T=I:FORI=TTO4:LN$=LN$+SP$:NEXTI:LPRINTLN$SB$:LC=LC+1 91 IFLC=11THEN94 92 FORI=LCTO10:LPRINTSB$" "SP$SP$SP$SP$SB$:NEXTI 94 LPRINTSB$" "DATE$" "TIME$" ";:LPRINTUSING"######";FT*1280; 95 LPRINT" Bytes Free "SB$ 96 LPRINTBL$STRING$(41,CB$)BR$ 100 CLOSE:MAXFILES=0:END