If a disk contains a CRC error, it is sometimes helpful to determine the name of the file that contains the error so a backup copy of the file can be recopied over the bad file. If the track and sector containing the error are known (can be found using FINDCC or SEARCH), the cluster containing the error can be calculated (see documentation for DISKPP). Next, search the allocation table (using DISKPP) for the byte containing that cluster. Now backtrack through the allocation table bytes (again see the documentation for DISKPP) until the cluster originating the file is found. This will be the cluster that is not contained in any of the allocation table bytes. Knowing this cluster, the directories and/or folders can be searched until the file which originates in that cluster is identified. This enhancement to DISKPP.324 version 2.2 allows the user to find which byte of the allocation table contains a particular cluster value (between 1 and 239). Once the byte is known, the table can be read byte by byte backtracking the file to its originating cluster. When a cluster cannot be found, that cluster is the originating cluster for the file (unless the allocation table is messed up). The following lines should be merged into DISKPP.324. Be sure you have merged DISKPP.BUG and any earlier updates first. If you have previously merged DISKPP.UD2, you may just merge this DISKPP.UD3 into that file. 430 CALL16954:GOTO9000 431 PRINT@280,E$;" Display a single byte? (Y/N)"; 438 IN$="":PRINT" Byte number";:INPUTIN$:IFLEN(IN$)=0THEN150 440 R=PEEK(63033):IFR=8THENR=240ELSER=(R-1)*40 441 PRINT@R,;" Byte number "+IN$+" ";ASC(MID$(TA$,BN+1,1)):GOTO438 9000 PRINT@280,E$;" Find contents? (Y/N)";:GOSUB30:IFA$<>"Y"ANDA$<>"y"THEN431 9005 PRINT:PRINTP1$ 9010 IO$="":PRINT@280," Contents to find";:INPUTIO$:IFLEN(IO$) =0THENPRINT:GOTO431 9020 BO=VAL(IO$):IFBO<1ORBO>239THEN9010 9030 BN=INSTR(1,TA$,CHR$(BO))-1 9040 IFBN<0ORBN>239THENPRINT" Not found":GOTO9010 9050 IN$=STR$(BN):IN$=RIGHT$(IN$,LEN(IN$)-1) 9060 PRINT@240,;" Byte number "+IN$+" ";ASC(MID$(TA$,BN+1,1));:GOTO9010 WILLIAM SCHNEIDER [70146,1107]