DPTIP.001: Using DISK POWER with acoustic couplers For people owning acoustic couplers ONLY, here is the procedure to load or save files to disk, while in TERMinal mode in TELCOM.: Files operations are of two sorts: DOWNloading files: Files are downloaded from the host computer first to the Model 100 RAM, and only upon completion of downloading can the file be saved to disk without losing telephone communications. UPloading files: Files are loaded from disk to the Model 100 RAM, and only then can the file be transmitted to the host computer. a) Make sure that the acoustic couplers are properly connected to the phone port on the Model 100, and that the switch on the side of the Model 100 is in the "ACP" position. Verify that the disk drive is also connected properly. b) Hook up to the host computer as usual and when you need to access (load or save) disk files, go to step c. c) Go into BASIC or TEXT by pressing function key or as described in the user manual. d) If in BASIC,type LOAD "0:[filename]" or SAVE "0:[filename]" to load or save a BASIC program in ASCII on disk. You MUST return to TELCOM using BASIC's function key. e) If in TEXT, load or save files using the function keys or , and the device name 0:, as in the example: Press Load from:0:[filename] Press Save to:0:[filename] Return to TELCOM by pressing . f) From TELCOM,you can also perform the following to make use of DISK POWER while on-line: Enter BASIC using the key Go to the MODEL 100 Main Menu Enter DISK POWER Perform the desired disk operations (loading or saving) Go back to the MODEL 100 Main Menu Go back to BASIC Return to TELCOM using key As you can see, this method is not as straight-forward as the rest of the DISK POWER program, and is not included as a feature of DP100 but comes free as a very useful tip. Absolutely no hardware modification is necessary, and you can purchase off-the-shelf an acoustic coupler at any Radio Shack store. Note that this will NOT work with the direct connect modem cable. DPTIP.001 (C) 1986 Ultrasoft Innovations