DLTIP.004 Thanks to Richard Eckerlin of Ultrasoft Innovations Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, here is the information about a patch for DiskPower which enables it to run with SUPERA VERSION 3.0, by David P. Sumner. This information concerns the 100K version of the Tandy Disk Drive or the TDD1, and is the same for the 100 or 102. Apparently the 200k version, or TDD2 is able to handle the program with no problem, although Richard Eckerlin states there will soon be a new version of SUPERA V 3.0 for the TDD2 which will make it a little easier for it to do so. DiskPower loads each new BA program right above its own address in memory, pushing each preceeding program one notch higher in the process. The instructions with SUPERA VERSION 3.0, page 4, state: "Before loading SUPERA, you must first clear out all BASIC programs from memory. So save all BASIC programs to tape or diskette, and reload them back in after you have successfully loaded SUPERA." However, because of the above mentioned characteristic of DiskPower, this results in a cold start. The problem lies in the fact that SUPERA VERSION 3.0, looks to the Model 100 like a BASIC program. But it is, in reality, a machine language program. Changing its location after loading is what causes the cold start. I will give you four pokes. The first two tell DiskPower to load any subsequent BA program above SUPERA's resident address. If the user later wishes to kill SUPERA and use that memory space, the third and fourth pokes change everything back. At the end of this tip is a short program I have written which does this for me and reminds me of what I need to do. There are no restrictions to the use of this information or the program except that proper credit should be given if posted elsewhere or given to anyone. Here are the pokes: After loading SUPERA Version 3.0--- Enter BASIC and type: Poke 35495,233 Poke 35496,157 After turning SUPERA off-- Enter BASIC and type: Poke 35495,82 Poke 35496,139 I have tried this patch under varying conditions, loading, unloading, killing programs, etc., with no problems. After turning off SUPERA, I entered the second set of pokes and then killed SUPERA. My former status and memory were returned. To use Patch, separate it from this information into a DO file of its own. Enter BASIC and type LOAD"Patch (or whatever name you have given it). Then type SAVE"Patch (or whatever). Save the BA program to disk or cassette. Before loading SUPERA, follow the instructions on page 4 of SUPERA's booklet with one exception, do not kill "Patch." Then load SUPERA. Run "Patch" and follow the prompts. "Patch" MUST be in RAM before loading SUPERA. If you decide later to kill SUPERA, first turn it off. Then run "Patch." Then kill SUPERA. The following program contains 1,866 bytes. Its checksum is 121,053. Before loading as a BASIC program you will need to go through it and edit out all the unecessary 's which are the result of uploading this in document form, rather than in program format. 0 'DISK POWER/SUPERA VERSION 3.0 PATCH 1 'This program is based on information from Richard Eckerlin, Ultrasoft Innovations Inc. 2 '2209 Hingston Ave, Suite 201, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H9X 3R9 3 'It may be reproduced and used by anyone as long as proper credit is given. 4 CLEAR256:E$=CHR$(27):P$=E$+"p":Q$=E$+"q" 5 CLS:GOSUB20:PRINT@40*3+2,"DISK POWER/SUPERA VERSION 3.0 PATCH":PRINT@40*5+ 13,P$;" BY GEORGE!! "Q$:GOSUB13 6 CLS:GOSUB20:PRINT@40+7,"THIS PROGRAM SHOULD BE RUN":PRINT@40*2+ 16,"BEFORE":PRINT@40*4+10,P$;" SUPERA VERSION 3.0 "Q$:PRINT@40*6+14,"IS TURNED ON":GOSUB13 7 CLS:GOSUB20:PRINT@40+9,"IT SHOULD BE RUN AGAIN":PRINT@40*3+13,"BEFORE KILLING":PRINT@40*5+11,P$;" SUPERA VERSION 3.0 "Q$:GOSUB13:GOTO14 8 GOSUB18:POKE35495,233:POKE35496,157:CLS:GOSUB20:PRINT@40*3+10,"YOU MAY NOW TURN ON":PRINT@40*5+10,P$;" SUPERA VERSION 3.0 "Q$ 9 FORN=1TO990:NEXT:CLS:BEEP:MENU 10 GOSUB18:POKE35495,82:POKE35496,139:GOSUB20:CLS:PRINT@40*3+11,P$;"SUPERA VERSION 3.0"Q$:PRINT@40*5+11,"MAY NOW BE REMOVED" 11 FORN=1TO990:NEXT:BEEP:MENU 12 FORN=1TO3:CLS:BEEP:PRINT@40*4+5,">>TURN SUPERA VERSION 3.0 OFF<< ":FORX=1TO110:NEXT:NEXT:MENU 13 FORN=1TO990:NEXT:RETURN 14 CLS:GOSUB20:PRINT@40+14,"I PLAN TO:--":PRINT@40*4+5,"UN SUPERA":PRINT@40* 4+25,"ILL SUPERA";:A$=INPUT$(1):A$=CHR$(ASC(A$)AND223):IFINSTR("RK",A$)THEN15ELSE14 15 IFA$="K"THEN10 16 CLS:PRINT@40*3,"IS SUPERA VERSION 3.0 IN RESIDENCE?";:A$=INPUT$(1) :PRINTA$:A$=CHR$(ASC(A$)AND223):IFINSTR("YN",A$)THEN17ELSEBEEP:GOTO16 17 IFA$="Y"THEN8ELSE21 18 PRINT@40*6,"IS SUPERA TURNED OFF?";:A$=INPUT$(1):PRINTA$:A$=CHR$(ASC(A$) AND223):IFINSTR("YN",A$)THEN19ELSEBEEP:GOTO18 19 IFA$="N"THEN12ELSERETURN 20 SOUND(1108+(VAL(RIGHT$(TIME$,1))/2*400)),1:RETURN 21 FORN=1TO3:CLS:BEEP:PRINT@40*3+5,"PLEASE LOAD SUPERA VERSION 3.0":PRINT@40*5+ 6,"THEN RUN THIS PROGRAM AGAIN":FORX=1TO110:NEXT:NEXT:MENU GEORGE SHERMAN 72300,3203