Disk Power USER . x x x (DPUSER.xxx) ------------------------------------ DPUSER.000 A series of tips, comments and other useful information from USERS of DISK POWER 100/102/200. All files are "unsolicited" and represent the views and opinions, whether good or bad, about the performance of DISK POWER under various operating conditions and with other programs and products. These files do not necessarily reflect the position of Ultrasoft Innovations, but are encouraged as a way to maintain the essence or spirit of the M100SIG. The DPUSER.xxx series of files are numbered from 000 - 999. Please check the order and continue to follow the sequential numbering scheme. We also ask that all users upload under the name "DPUSER.xxx" instead of "DPTIP.xxx", so that other users can easily differentiate between user comments and Ultrasoft Innovations Inc. comments. Thank-you for your support. Note: We also encourage you to add a simple copyright notice in any file which you place in the series, in the same format as the one below. Richard Eckerlin, [73327,2262] (C) 1986 Ultrasoft Innovations Inc.