10 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:INPUT"DO YOU NEED INSTRUCTIONS";A$ 11 IF A$<>"Y" AND A$<>"y" THEN GOTO 50 20 PRINT"DSKCAT.BA Copyright 9/11/89 by Wayne Talbot CIS 70156,1575" 21 ' 22 PRINT"DSKCAT is used with the Tandy Portable Disk Drive and POWER-DOS to generate a" 23 PRINT"disk catalog database file for use with" 25 PRINT"DBNEW.100. POWER-DOS must be installed in memory before running this program." 26 INPUT"PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE";A$:CLS 27 PRINT"The program asks for the Disk name and whether the disk is for Business or" 28 PRINT"Personal use. It then reads that disk through POWER-DOS and builds the" 29 PRINT"database file. The file can then be usedand manipulated through DBNEW.100." 30 INPUT"PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE";A$ 50 MAXFILES=2:OPEN"DSKCAT.DO"FOR OUTPUT AS 2 60 PRINT#2,"Filename,Type,--Length--,---Disk Name---,Personal" 70 PRINT#2,",,,," 80 PRINT#2,",,,," 90 PRINT#2,",,,," 100 CLS:PRINT"Disk catalog program." 110 PRINT"Type 'END' to exit program" 111 INPUT"What is this disk name";A$ 112 INPUT "Is this (P)ersonal or (B)usiness";C$ 113 IFLEFT$(C$,1)="P"THEN C$="P"ELSEC$="B" 115 IF A$="END"THENKILL"TEMP**.DO":GOTO 190 120 LFILES TO "TEMP**.DO" 130 OPEN"TEMP**.DO" FOR INPUT AS 1 150 INPUT#1,B$ 155 IFEOF(1)THENCLOSE#1:GOTO100 160 PRINT#2,LEFT$(B$,6);",";MID$(B$,7,3);",";RIGHT$(B$,8);",";A$;",";C$ 180 GOTO150 190 MENU