0 '"DM-PG.BA" DSKMGR patch for 0MENU from P.G. Designs -- Phil Wheeler [71266,125] --- 12/9/86 1 'Works with DSKMGR vers 2.01 (old) or vers. 3.02 (new) 2 'Running this program creates a new version of DSKMGR called DM-PG.CO. When run it "unhooks" 0MENU, and at exit it re-hooks 0MENU. 3 'It also patches it to make ENTER go to M100 menu (vs. saving a program). Delete lines 26 and 32 to eliminate this feature. 4 '***YOU MUST HAVE 0MENU (vers 2.01) IN PLACE TO USE THIS PROGRAM** 6 'Start with DSKMGR.CO on your menu. Then run this program. After it is finished do: SAVEM"DM-PG<",60675,60675,60675 to create a 7-byte calling program. 8 'After saving DM-PG.CO & DM-PG<.CO to disk, you can kill DSKMGR.CO, DM-PG.CO & DM-PG.BA -- and run the HIMEM-resident copy of DM-PG.CO via the calling program. 9 ' 10 CLEAR 0,60675:LOADM "DSKMGR" 20 'poke exit to 0MENU 22 IF PEEK(60710)=8 THEN 30 24 POKE 60950,57:POKE 60951,128 'vers 3.02 exit patch 26 POKE 60863,15:POKE 60864,238 'vers 3.02 ENTER = Menu patch 28 GOTO 40 30 POKE 60959,57:POKE 60960,128 'vers 2.01 exit patch 32 POKE 60875,24:POKE 60876,128 'vers 2.01 ENTER = Menu patch 40 'load new front end for DSKMGR 50 FOR I = 0 TO 24 60 READ A: POKE 60675+I,A: NEXT 70 SAVEM"DM-PG",60675,62799,60675 80 DATA 33,243,127,58,162,255,15,218,16,237,195,25,237 90 DATA 34,12,251,34,12,251,34,228,250,34,224,250