0' **** DSKMGR.BA **** 1'by DOUG MAYFIELD (74106,761) for use 2'with DSKMGR.100 v2.01 by J.K.HEILMAN 3'see programs and DOC's on this SIG 4'for information on how to configure 5'and use these programs. To prevent 6'possible problems I would advise 7'making DSKMGR.CO, and its utilitys 8'invisible with CHANGE.BA on DL4 so 9'they are not accidently accessed from 10'the main menu. Rename the DSKMGR 11'program and its utilitys to names 12'used in lines 110-130. You are free 13'to make any changes in this code, 14'particually size reduction. I am new 15'to programming, this is my first 16'M100 effort. All lines under 100 may 17'removed in your working copy to save 18'RAM. Thanks to J.K.Heilman for his 19'great DSKMGR series of programs. 100 CLS:PRINT" DISK MANAGER MENU" 101 PRINT:PRINT"<1> RUN 'DSKMGR.CO' (without utilitys)" 102 PRINT"<2> ADD 'FORMAT' <3> ADD 'SAVE ALL'" 103 PRINT"<4> *future use* <5> *future use*" 104 PRINT"<6> *future use* <7> *future use*" 105 PRINT:INPUT"ENTER NUMBER OF SELECTION ";X 106 IF X<1 THEN BEEP:GOTO100 107 IF X>7 THEN BEEP:GOTO100 108 ONXGOTO 110,120,130,140,150,160,170 110 CLEAR256,60700: RUNM"DSKMGR.CO" 120 CLEAR 0,60200:LOADM"DSKFMT":RUNM"DSKMGR" 130 CLEAR0,60600:LOADM"DSKSVL":RUNM"DSKMGR" 140 BEEP:GOTO100 'TO ADD FUTURE MODULES 150 BEEP:GOTO100 'TO ADD FUTURE MODULES 160 BEEP:GOTO100 'TO ADD FUTURE MODULES 170 BEEP:GOTO100 'TO ADD FUTURE MODULES 200 END