0 'EXTRA.NODE by Carmen Paone [72677,42]No rights reserved (Program will only work with Node ROM and Models 100 and 102) 1 'Keep this version of EXTRA in your Node Datapac and use the CALL 63013,20, VARPTR (S$) command to acess DO files 2 'which must be stored in the NODE. There are prvisions for a MEMO.DO and a HELP.DO files. 3 'These also must be stored in the NODE. You could use the MEMO file to keep track of appointments, etc. The HELP file 4 'could be used for boilerplate material, such as names and addresses, which could be copied and moved to your story file. 5 'Press F1 to create your story file and name it anything you like. The Len function will measure your story in terms of the 12.2 pica column width. 6 'The By function will automatically put your byline into your story. Change the byline information in Line 370 or else folks will be calling you Red Smith. 7 'The Move function will move your story into RAM for transmission to your publishing house 8 'Program Note: Goto Line 570 and place and place the Graph 9 symbol before MENU to clear the RAMDSK file in RAM. 10 MAXFILES=1 15 CLS:LINE(1,8)-(238,54),1,B:LINE(8,16)-(231,51),1,B:PRINT@40,STRING$(40,239);:PRINT@240,STRING$(40,239); 20 PRINT@122,"EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA!":PRINT@165,"EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA!" 30 KEYON:PRINT@280,"File Memo Len Move By Help MENU";:ONKEYGOSUB200,230,70,300,340,510,,500 40 PRINT@1,DAY$,DATE$:PRINT@30,TIME$:FORA=0TO1:NEXT 50 IFINKEY$=""THEN40 60 GOTO40 70 MAXFILES=1:CLS:INPUT"FILE";F$:OPENF$FORINPUTAS1 80 N=0 90 CLS:PRINT@132,"WORKING ...." 100 A$=INPUT$(9,1) 110 ONERRORGOTO130 120 N=N+9:GOTO100 130 IFERR<>54THENRESUME 140 CLS:PRINT@166,"LENGTH ":PRINT@179,"INCHES 150 N=N+16:PRINT@173,(INT(10*(N/29*10.25/72)))/10 160 CLOSE1 170 FORT=1TO999:NEXT:RUN10 200 CLS:INPUT"FILE:";S$ 210 CALL63013,20,VARPTR(S$) 220 RUN10 230 S$="memo.do" 240 CALL63013,20,VARPTR(S$) 250 RUN10 300 CLS:INPUT"FILE:";S$ 310 CALL63013,13,VARPTR(S$) 320 CALL63013,23,VARPTR(S$) 330 RUN10 340 CLS:INPUT"FILE:";S$ 350 CALL63013,13,VARPTR(S$) 360 CALL63013,23,VARPTR(S$) 370 A$="By Red Smith New York Times" 380 OPENS$FORAPPENDAS1:PRINT#1,A$:CLOSE:GOTO400 400 CLS:INPUT"FILE:";S$ 410 CALL63013,13,VARPTR(S$) 420 CALL63013,24,VARPTR(S$) 430 KILLS$:RUN10 500 CLEAR0,MAXRAM:MENU 510 S$="help.do" 520 CALL63013,20,VARPTR(S$) 530 RUN10