0 'FIX'UM.CHP - Holmes Engr. - 5/85 1 CLS:PRINT@170,"Fix 'um Chipmunk ... 2 FORS=2TO6STEP2:FORH=0TO1:A$=DSKI$(0,0,S,H):B=S-1:DSKO$0,0,B,H,A$:NEXTH,S 3 ' 4 'Reads BACKUP directory (sectors 2,4) 5 'and allocation table (sector 6) 6 'on CHIPMUNK disk and writes new 7 'MAIN directory (sectors 1,3) and 8 'allocation table (sector 5). Very 9 'helpful when MAIN directory is bad 10 'and CHIPMUNK refuses to load the 11 'disk directory and prompts you with 12 'message... `Format disk (Y/N?)' 13 'Assumes BACKUP sectors are good and 14 'MAIN sectors have been clobbered. 15 'If BACKUP sectors are also bad, 16 'you must use one of the programs 17 'that copies another backup disk 18 '(C-BACK.BA) or one that recreates a 19 'new directory from a backup disk 20 'with same files/folders (REPAIR.BA) 21 ' 22 'Bill Templeton [75655,1056] 23 'Danville, CA