0 'FYLDOS.100 v1.3 (c) 9/19/88 by Wilson Van Alst [76576,2735] 1 'Revisions to FYLDOS.100 by Ralph Walthall with Wilson's permission 2 'FYLPRT.100 (c) 06/15/90 by Ralph D. Walthall [74016,1660] 3 CLEAR800:CLS:MAXFILES=2:DEFSTRA-F:DEFINTG-Y:B="ZZ"+CHR$(0)+CHR$(26)+SPACE$(24)+"F":E=CHR$(27):F=SPACE$(10):S=-788:OPEN"COM:98N1D"FOROUTPUTAS1:OPEN"AA"FOROUTPUTAS2:FORI=-832TO-792:READR:POKEI,R:Q=Q+R:NEXT:IFQ-5322THENPRINT"Bad Data!":END 4 PRINT@85,E"KDisk Name: ";:LINEINPUTD:IFD=""THENMAXFILES=1:MENUELSEPRINT#1,BCHR$(1)CHR$(158):IFVAL(D)THEND="#"+D:GOTO6ELSE6 5 PRINT@175,E"p "F:PRINT#1,BCHR$(2)CHR$(157) 6 V=VARPTR(F):CALL-832,,PEEK(V+1)+256*PEEK(V+2):IFASC(F)THENPRINT#2,F;USING"#####\ \";PEEK(S+1)+256*PEEK(S+2):GOTO5ELSEPRINT#2,USING"\ \#,#### Free";STRING$(2,"."),1280*PEEK(S):PRINT@170,E"q":PRINT#2,DATE$:GOTO10 7 DATA 205,126,109,205,126,109,14,9,205,126,109,119,35,13,194,200,252,14,16,205,126,109,13,194,211,252,33,238,252,14,4,205,126,109,119,43,13,194,223,252,201 10 CLOSE:DIMC(52) 15 FI$="AA.DO" 35 CLS:OPENFI$FORINPUTAS1:H=0 40 H=H+1:LINEINPUT#1,C(H) 45 IFEOF(1)THEN50ELSE40 50 CLOSE 55 Z=H/4:IFZ=INT(H/4)THEN65 60 H=H+1:C(H)=" ":GOTO55 65 OPEN"LPT:"FOROUTPUTAS2 70 PRINT#2,SPACE$(10+((68-LEN(D))/2));D 75 FORX=1TOZ:PRINT#2,SPACE$(10); 80 FORY=0TO3:PRINT#2,C(X+Y*Z); 85 IFY=3THEN PRINT#2,SPACE$(1)ELSEPRINT#2,SPACE$(2); 90 NEXTY:NEXTX 95 PRINT#2," " 100 CLOSE 105 BEEP:CLS:PRINT@7," Disk Catalog Print Completed " 110 PRINT@90,"Press ENTER for MENU" 115 PRINT@170,"INSERT New Disk and " 120 PRINT@250,"PRESS [R] to continue" 125 B=INKEY$:IFB=""THEN125ELSEIFB="R"ORB="r" THENGOTO3 130 MENU 135 'Only change is the format of the output file. 140 'Produces a 4 column printout of your disk catalog 150 'using a modified version of FYLDOS.100 v1.3. 160 'A minimum of 5 disk listings per page. 165 'Should work on all printers. 170 'No limit, within reason, on length of disk name. 180 'Make sure your date is set correctly and the printer is online. 190 'Run the program, insert disk, input disk name 200 'and press and the program does the rest. 210 'For more info on the use of FYLDOS see FYLDOS.DOC in Library 9. 220 'Any problems, I can be reached by EMAIL or on the message board