HELPER.BA by Carmen Paone [72677,42] is a Model 100/102 utility for the Node DATAPAC. It includes a KILL and RENAME features which can be used on RAM files. Also included is a call to the Node from Ram. The user who uses POWER-DISK can reset his Telcom stats with the LFILESMENU feature. The CIS feature puts the user in Telcom by a call to the top of the ADRS.DO file. Make sure your Compuserve login is at the top of the ADRS.DO file. You can include your favorite CO program on the first line of the key driven menu. A press of Key 6 will take you to Line 62 of the program. Call 63013,8 checks to see if the Node is formatted. F$="XXX.CO". Put the title of your favorite CO program in between the single quote marks. Clear 256,XXXXX. String space is cleared for this program. You have to fill in the starting address in where the X's are located. If you don't know know the starting address, just go into BASIC and type LOADM "Pgm1" Of course, you will be putting your program title in between the quotes. If all goes well, you will see this on your screen TOP XXXXX END XXXXX EXE XXXXX ? OM ERROR Know you will know the starting adress of your program. The More key will take you to Screen 2 of the program. Here is space for seven more CO programs. The listings for these programs can be found from Lines 30 through 57. Cut and paste the program below the dotted line and put the contents of your buffer into a HELPER.DO file. Run the DO file through BASIC and save it as HELPER.BA. ....................................... 0 REM HELPER.BA BY CARMEN PAONE [72677,42] No rights reserved 1 CLS:FORT=1TO499:NEXT:PRINT@2,STRING$(36,42) 2 FORT=1TO499:NEXT:PRINT@55,"HELPER.BA" 3 FORT=1TO499:NEXT:PRINT@82,STRING$(36,42) 4 FORT=1TO499:NEXT:PRINT@135,"HOW TO TAME" 5 FORT=1TO499:NEXT:PRINT@162,STRING$(36,42) 6 FORT=1TO499:NEXT:PRINT@215,"THE DATAPAC" 7 FORT=1TO499:NEXT:PRINT@242,STRING$(36,42):FORT=1TO499:NEXT:GOTO8 8 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,54),1,B:LINE(5,8)-(235,50),1,B:LINE(6,9)-(234,49),1,B:PRINT@169," **** HELPER ****" 9 PRINT@83,DAY$,DATE$:PRINT@109,TIME$:FORA=0TO1:NEXT 10 PRINT@280,"Kill Name Node Lmnu Cis Pgm1 More Menu";:KEYON:ONKEYGOSUB13,18,24,25,26,58,28,27 11 IFINKEY$=""THEN9 12 GOTO9 13 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:FILES:INPUT"FILE";F$:KILLF$:PRINT@209,"**** FILE KILLED ****":FORT=1TO499:NEXT:GOTO14 14 CLS:PRINT@166,"KILL ANOTHER FILE [Y/N]" 15 M$=INKEY$:IFM$=""THEN15 16 IFM$="Y"ORM$="y"GOTO13 17 IFM$="N"ORM$="n"GOTO8 18 CLS:PRINT:PRINT:FILES:INPUT"OLD";A$:INPUT"NEW";B$:NAMEA$ASB$ 19 PRINT@209,"**** FILE RENAMED ****":FORT=1TO499:NEXT:GOTO20 20 CLS:PRINT@167,"RENAME ANOTHER FILE [Y/N]" 21 M$=INKEY$:IFM$=""THEN21 22 IFM$="Y"ORM$="y"GOTO18 23 IFM$="N"ORM$="n"GOTO8 24 CALL63013,1 25 LFILESMENU 26 CALL21067 27 MENU 28 CLS:LINE(1,4)-(239,54),1,B:LINE(5,8)-(235,50),1,B:LINE(6,9)-(234,49),1,B:PRINT@129," **** CO FILES ****":PRINT@280,"Pgm2 Pgm3 Pgm4 Pgm5 Pgm6 Pgm7 Pgm8 Back"; 29 KEYON:ONKEYGOSUB30,34,38,42,46,50,54,57:GOTO29 30 CALL63013,8 31 CLEAR256,XXXXX 32 F$="" 33 CALL63013,22,VARPTR(F$) 34 CALL63013,8 35 CLEAR256,XXXXX 36 F$="" 37 CALL63013,22,VARPTR(F$) 38 CALL63013,8 39 CLEAR256,XXXXX 40 F$="" 41 CALL63013,22,VARPTR(F$) 42 CALL63013,8 43 CLEAR256,XXXXX 44 F$="" 45 CALL63013,22,VARPTR(F$) 46 CALL63013,8 47 CLEAR256,XXXXX 48 F$="" 49 CALL63013,22,VARPTR(F$) 50 CALL63013,8 51 CLEAR256,XXXXX 52 F$="" 53 CALL63013,22,VARPTR(F$) 54 CLS:CALL63013,8 55 CLEAR256,XXXXX 56 F$="" 57 CALL63013,22,VARPTR(F$) 58 GOTO8 59 CALL63013,8 60 CLEAR256,XXXXX 61 F$="" 62 CALL63013,22,VARPTR(F$)