Minor Fix #1 to INSURE.DIR 5/26/85 In initialing the allocation table to protect clusters 237-239 from being assigned (that's where SAVDIR.BA hides the extra backup copies of the main directory and allocation table), the program BLOCKA.BA sets bytes 237-240 to have the content CHR$(240). The original version of the BLOCKA.BA program in INSURE.DIR only did this for Track 0, Sector 5, the first copy of the allocation table. I have since discovered that the sector 6 backup copy is sometimes swapped into sector 5, losing the protection unless sector 6 is also initialized. The revised BLOCKA.BA shown below does that (I actually had SAVDIR.BA overwrite a textfile that had been stored at the top of the disk -- and thought for awhile that I had a strange hardware bug unlike the main directory overwrite). 1 CLS:PRINT"This program reserves Clusters" 2 PRINT" 237-239 for duplicate" 3 PRINT" directories and allocation" 4 PRINT" tables. DO NOT USE on disk" 5 PRINT" that is, OR HAS BEEN, full" 6 INPUT" =====> Reserve Clusters";A$:IFA$="Y"ORA$="y"THEN10ELSEMENU 10 DSKO$0,0,5,1,LEFT$(DSKI$(0,0,5,1),109)+CHR$(240)+CHR$(240)+CHR$(240) 20 DSKO$0,0,6,1,LEFT$(DSKI$(0,0,6,1),109)+CHR$(240)+CHR$(240)+CHR$(240):MENU Using cut-and-paste, make this program into BLOCKA.DO, load into BASIC and Save. William Calvin 71256,1353