PDSK04.200 Converted, transcribed and tweaked as necessary by Tony Anderson, 76703,4062. September 1988 (C) 1985 Acroatix Inc. Released for exclusive distribution on CompuServe's Model 100 Forum. All other rights reserved. This is the complete START.BA program, as it appears on the release disk. It was designed to be loaded from the disk using FLOPPY.CO, and after loading, FLOPPY.CO could be killed from the menu. Should you ever need to boot the Power-Disk system from a storage disk using FLOPPY.CO, this would be the START program to use to load POWR-D.CO into high memory, activate the hooks, and make it operational. 10 'Initializes POWR-DISK from POWR-D.CO 20 '(C) 1985 Acroatix Inc. 30 IFMAXRAM<61104THEN50 40 CLEAR 100,58960:RUNM"POWR-D":LFILESOFF:CALL58960 50 CLS:PRINT@124,"POWR-DISK is now operational..." 60 GOSUB270:PRINT"You no longer need to keep a copy of":PRINT"FLOPPY.CO in RAM. However, you will":PRINT"still want to use it for formats and":PRINT"backups." 65 PRINT:PRINT"NEVER NEVER use FLOPPY.CO directly":PRINT"when POWR-DISK is operational!" 70 PRINT:PRINT"The most convenient arrangement is to":PRINT"have FLOPPY.CO, FLOPPY.BA, PD-FLP.CO,":PRINT"POWR-D.CO, and RESTOR.BA on a separate":PRINT"disk." 80 GOSUB270:PRINT"- To continue with no saves, press 'C'":PRINT:PRINT"- If you want to save FLOPPY.CO to THIS":PRINT"disk, make sure the write protect tab":PRINT"is closed, and press 'F'":C$="CcFf" 90 IFFRE(0)>3500THENPRINT:PRINT"- To put FLOPPY.CO, FLOPPY.BA,":PRINT"PD-FLP.CO, POWR-D.CO, and RESTOR.BA to":PRINT"ANOTHER Disk, press 'D'":C$="CcFfDd" 95 PRINT@600," >>>> PRESS KEY <<<<<"; 100 A$=INKEY$:IFA$<>""THENI=INSTR(C$,A$):IFI=0THEN100ELSEIFI<3THEN250ELSEIFI<5THEN120ELSE140 110 GOTO100 120 ONERRORGOTO490:SAVEM":floppy.co":GOTO245 140 CLS:PRINT"Put in a POWR-DISK owner's disk.":GOSUB270 150 ONERRORGOTO300 160 F$=":pd-flp.co":LOADMF$,F 170 ONERRORGOTO500:A$="Run 180":GOSUB290:F$=":floppy.ba":LOADMF$,F 180 ONERRORGOTO510:A$="Run 190":GOSUB290:F$=":restor.ba":LOADMF$,F 190 CLS:PRINT"Put in a non-write-protected":PRINT"disk to save it." 200 GOSUB270 210 F$=":floppy.co":GOSUB450:F$=":floppy.ba":GOSUB450:F$=":pd-flp.co":GOSUB450:F$=":powr-d.co":GOSUB450:F$=":restor.ba":GOSUB450 220 KILL"pd-flp.co" 222 A$="Run 224":GOSUB290:KILL"restor.ba" 224 A$="Run 230":GOSUB290:KILL"floppy.ba" 230 CLS:PRINT"Put in the POWR-DISK customer disk." 240 GOSUB270 245 CLS:PRINT"From now on, when you want to use":PRINT"FLOPPY with POWR-DISK, load and run":PRINT"FLOPPY.BA from the disk you just":PRINT"modified." 247 PRINT:PRINT"To clear out the maximum RAM":PRINT"available with POWR-DISK (after running":PRINT"FLOPPY), load and run RESTOR.BA.":GOSUB270 250 ONERRORGOTO255:CLS:KILL"POWR-D.CO" 255 PRINT"Preparing MENU.BA..." 260 ONERRORGOTO265:A$="New"+CHR$(13)+"Kill"+CHR$(34)+"Start.ba"+CHR$(13)+"Run"+CHR$(34)+"Menu":GOSUB290:LOADM":MENU.BA",F 265 IFERR=67THENNEWELSEXK=0:PRINT"Cannot load MENU.BA from disk!":GOSUB270:LFILESMENU 270 PRINT@600,"Press Space bar to continue..."; 280 B$=INPUT$(1):IFB$<>" "THEN230ELSECLS:RETURN 290 XK=64798:A$=A$+CHR$(13):NU=LEN(A$):FORI=1TONU:POKE (XK+2*I),0:POKE(XK+2*I-1),ASC(MID$(A$,I)):NEXT:POKEXK,NU:RETURN 300 IFERR=67THENKILLRIGHT$(F$,LEN(F$)-1):RESUME 450 ONERRORGOTO470:SAVEMF$ 460 RETURN 470 IFERR=67THENRESUME460 490 IFERR=67THENRESUME245 500 IFERR=67THENPOKEXK,0:RESUME180 510 IFERR=67THENPOKEXK,0:RESUME190 520 CLS:PRINT"Error";ERR;" Line #";ERL:PRINT"Consult User's manual or run START":PRINT"again.":GOSUB270:LFILES MENU