PDSK07.200 Converted, transcribed and tweaked as necessary by Tony Anderson, 76703,4062. September 1988 (C) 1985 Acroatix Inc. Released for exclusive distribution on CompuServe's Model 100 Forum. All other rights reserved. This program runs a copy of FLOPPY.CO directly from disk, assuming you have previously saved FLOPPY.CO to the disk. Although since POWR-DISK is inherently superior to FLOPPY.CO, I don't know why anyone would want to do so. The only function that FLOPPY can perform that POWR-DISK can't, is to copy files from disk to disk. (backups) Program requires that a copy of FLOPPY.CO and PD-FLP.CO (PDSK09.200) be on the disk that's loaded in the disk drive. PD-FLP loads a version of POWR-DISK into RAM below FLOPPY.CO so that they can both be in RAM at the same time. 0 ' FLOPPY.BA 2 'Runs FLOPPY from disk. Relocates POWR-DISK if necessary (C) 1985 Acroatix Inc. 5 IFMAXRAM<=55356THENRUNM":floppy" 10 ONERRORGOTO40:LOADM":pd-flp.co",F 20 CLEAR100,55356:LFILESOFF:RUNM"pd-flp" 30 KILL"pd-flp.co":RUNM":floppy" 40 IFERR=67THENRESUME20