PDSK08.200 Converted, transcribed and tweaked as necessary by Tony Anderson, 76703,4062. September 1988 (C) 1985 Acroatix Inc. Released for exclusive distribution on CompuServe's Model 100 Forum. All other rights reserved. This program, and it's companion ML program PD-MPL.CO (PDSK10.200) is not documented in the manual and is unmentioned in subsequent newsletters. Apparently it is designed to run a specially relocated version of POWR-DISK in the 200 which does not conflict with access to, or use of the built-in MSPLAN spreadsheet program. Generally, MSPLAN creates pseudo-.CO files in RAM just below the normal MAXRAM address, 61104. When Power-Disk is loaded and active, it moves the MAXRAM pointer to 58960, and MSPLAN assumes that it's normal work area is being used for something else, and won't let you enter to develop another spreadsheet. Apparently, PD-MPL.CO loads at 57498, which is 1462 bytes lower than the normal loading address. This would leave a buffer between POWR-DISK and real MAXRAM which might be usable by MSPLAN. There is also a TIP file in Library 9 which describes how to remove MSPLAN from the menu in any bank, thus eliminating the source of the problem. Simply use one bank exclusively for Power-Disk, and leave MSPLAN available in the other two banks. The problem was originally discovered with FLOPPY.CO, but since Power-Disk presents the same problem, it is cured by the same solution. (See TDDTIP.004) 0 ' MPLAN.BA (C) 1985 Acroatix Inc. 10 IFMAXRAM<=57498THENLFILESMENU 20 ONERRORGOTO500:LOADM":pd-mpl.co",F 30 LFILESOFF:CLEAR100,57498:RUNM"pd-mpl":KILL"pd-mpl.co":LFILESMENU 500 PRINT:IFERR=67RESUME30ELSEIFERR=52ORERR>58ORERR=18THENPRINT"Need a readable disk containing PD-MPL.":PRINT"Insert it and ";:GOSUB520:RESUMEELSEIFERR=7THENPRINT"Out of Memory":GOSUB520:LFILESMENU 510 BEEP:PRINT"Error";ERR:GOSUB520:RESUME40 520 PRINT"Press Space Bar"; 530 A$=INPUT$(1):IFA$<>" "THEN530ELSERETURN