PDSK11.200 Converted, transcribed and tweaked as necessary by Tony Anderson, 76703,4062. September 1988 (C) 1985 Acroatix Inc. Released for exclusive distribution on CompuServe's Model 100 Forum. All other rights reserved. This is a BASIC relocator that will build a relocated version of Power-Disk at whatever RAM address you choose. It requires that you have POWR.CO (PDSK15.200) and RELO.DO (PDSK12.200) on a disk and loaded in the drive. Note: POWR.CO, not POWR-D.CO from the PDSK05 file. It also assumes you have a working version of Power-Disk already operating in the computer. This is required because the program below reads in two files from the disk, in order to create the relocated version. 10 'POWR-DISK RELOCATOR (C) ACROATIX INC 1985 12 PRINT"Press Space Bar when a POWR-DISK":PRINT"Customer Disk or a disk containing":PRINT"RELO.DO and POWR.CO is in the TDD" 15 B$=INPUT$(1):IFB$<>" "THEN15 18 ONERRORGOTO550:A$="RELO.DO":LOADM":"+A$,F:A$="POWR.CO":LOADM":"+A$,F 20 CLS:PRINT@51,"POWR-DISK Relocator" 30 PRINT:PRINT"WARNING: Use only with instructions":PRINT"provided with POWR-DISK. Use with care!"; 40 CLEAR256:DEFSTRA-G:DEFINTI-N 50 CC="kMMn#^#Vk"+CHR$(34)+"0w@!"+CHR$(34)+"0wI" 60 OPEN"RELO.DO"FORINPUTAS1 70 PRINT:INPUT"Offset from default Maximum RAM";O:O=-O:INPUT#1,F:INPUT#1,L:GOSUB210 80 N=256:Z=32768:X=T:AQ=CHR$(34) 90 PRINTTAB(6);"This number must reach 219."; 100 NN=NN+1:PRINT@280,NN;:Y=PEEK(X)+N*PEEK(X+1)+O 110 POKEX,(Y-Z)AND255:POKEX+1,INT(Y/N) 120 IFEOF(1)THEN130ELSEI=ASC(INPUT$(1,1))-32:X=X+I:GOTO100 130 PRINT:PRINT"MAXRAM is";58960+O:PRINT"CO file values:":PRINT"TOP:";58960+O:PRINT"END:";60944+O:PRINT"EXE:";58960+O:PRINT"M/L Programs safe starting at";61104+O 140 PRINT"Name for relocated POWR-DISK (no .CO):":LINEINPUTA$:NAME"POWR.CO"ASA$+".CO" 150 CLOSE 1:KILL"relo.do" 190 LFILES MENU 200 X=PEEK(V+1)+256*PEEK(V+2):RETURN 210 C=F+".CO"+CHR$(0):V=VARPTR(C):GOSUB200:Y=X:V=VARPTR(CC):GOSUB200:CALLX,0,Y:T=PEEK(63408)+256*PEEK(63409):IFT=65535THENPRINTF;" not found!":END 220 RETURN 550 IFERR=67THENKILLA$:RESUMEELSEPRINT"Err";ERR;" ERL";ERL:ERROR ERR