ADVANCE WARNING (perhaps) for CRASHES The Chipmunk (all CDOS versions, even 3.11) has an occasional crash due to the main directory being overwritten. I have been able to mimick this crash by setting the first byte of the Allocation Table to 0 (it's normally 240, the code for a directory). In consequence the next SAVE to disk thinks that Cluster 0 is free for filing, and overwrites the directories and maybe even the Allocation Table itself. The first byte is probably reset (not always to 0, those are just the cases that produce catastrophic results) in the RAM image of the allocation table which starts at 59589 (at least in v.3.11). If you'll check that location with ?PEEK(59589) after all non-CRC disk errors and report the results to Larry Holmes, perhaps it will help find this occasional bug in an otherwise lovely operating system. In the meantime.... PRECAUTIONS: Use the procedures in INSURE.DIR regularly for backup in case of a crash. The program PRESAV.BA listed below, however, may well warn you of an impending overwrite if you ise it BEFORE EVERY DISK SAVE. The crashes are rare and often discovered only well after the damage has been done (if you are working in a subdirectory and don't pop out to the main directory for awhile); they may be associated with error messages (my recent ones have been heralded by RF errors) but maybe not. When it's really important, both 1) check before saving to disk with PRESAV.BA, and immediately afterwards 2) save a new backup of the directory and alloation table with SAVDIR.BA (from the INSURE.DIR package). 1 'PRESAV.BA to test for imminent disk overwrite. W.H.Calvin 71256,1353 10 IF LEFT$(DSKI$(0,0,5,0),1)<>CHR$(240)THEN 20 15 CLS:PRINT@90,"Probably OK to SAVE":SOUND9999,10:MENU 20 BEEP:BEEP:CLS:PRINT"Oops, you had a glitch in the":PRINT"Allocation Table" 22 PRINT "The first byte was reset to: ";ASC(LEFT$(DSKI$(0,0,5,0),1)) 25 PRINT:PRINT"Make a note of any prior symptoms or" 27 INPUT" error messages. ENTER to reset the bad byte";X$:IFX$=""THEN30ELSE STOP 30 A$=DSKI$(0,0,5,0):MID$(A$,1,1)=CHR$(240) 40 DSKO$0,0,5,0,A$:DSKO$ 0,0,6,0,A$:MENU Again, see DL4's INSURE.DIR (and the patch in INSURE.FIX) for backup and restoration procedures following an overwrite. William Calvin 71256,1353 29 May 1985