PWRDOS.DOC ********** Virtually all of the menu-driven POWR-DOS programs are "memory eaters": DMENU.BA,2478 bytes; DOS+.BA(without any modules),2387 bytes; and even Joel Dinda's MENU.JR2,987 bytes. Acoordingly, I developed this simple function key driven program(only 231 bytes in .BA form) which performs all the essential commands for POWR-DOS. Note that some of the keys seem to have the same definitions, but if you keep in mind that lowercase letters are for ram files and UPPERCASE letters are for DISK files, everything is fine. An explanation of the key functions follows: Key 1: Runs a program off the disk--you must type in the filename with the extension. Key 2: Gets a list of ram files with byte sizes. Key 3: Same as Key 2, except files are from DISK. Key 4: Loads a file from DISK to ram. Filename must be typed in as follows: XXXXXX.YY",F where the X's represent the filename and the Y's the extension. Key 5: Saves a file from ram to DISK. Key 6: Kills a file in ram. Key 7: Kills a file on DISK. Key 8: Resets key functions to M100 default values and takes you back to the M100 main menu.