PWRTIP.002: TINY.PWR ========== joel dinda [75725,1134] TINY.PWR (one of the POWR-DOS files) is a *very small* file transfer utility for the Model 100/Tandy 102 and the TDD/TDD2. IT DOES *NOT* REQUIRE POWR-DOS OR ANY OTHER OPERATING SYSTEM. If that's what you need, this is the program you need. TINY has only four commands -- LOAD, SAVE, KILL, & QUIT -- and isn't very friendly. But it doesn't waste any bytes on features you don't intend to use. The advantage, of course, is that nearly all of your RAM remains available for other applications. One shortcoming: Like all TDD1 "DOSses", TINY can only read the directory for Bank 0. But if you need this program, that shouldn't be a problem. Although TINY was released by Acroatix with Powr-DOS, it is *not* really part of Powr-DOS and deserves a separate discussion. This file contains that discussion. Mostly, though, this file contains those excerpts from the Powr-DOS manual which pertain to TINY.... Everything which follows, except for inserted comments, is direct from the manual: =========== USING TINY POWR-DOS takes up about 3,000 bytes; the loading process needs about 7,000 bytes to work successfully. In anticipation of possible memory problems, we provide TINY, a program which gives you access to the PDD using 800 bytes of memory [depends upon your loading procedure. joel]. TINY has limited functions; you will probably want to use it only when you load and save files too large to fit into RAM with POWR-DOS. [TINY.PWR is a HIMEM-occupying machine-language program; if you convert it using HXFER you can treat it like any other such program. I've skipped the loading instructions from the manual; use the following instead: Remove any M/L programs above HIMEM. Type CLEAR0,62200 to reset HIMEM. Go to MENU. Move the widebar cursor to TINY.CO. Press . --Other loading routines are possible, if you understand them. See FLIPML.DOC in DL7 for a lengthy discussion.] [Resuming:] The TINY prompt appears as follows: > C FFFFFF.XX (C=KLSQ) > The prompt is designed to remind you of TINY's functions. "C" stands for command (one of K, L, S, or Q), and the F's and X's help line up file names. All TINY commands consist of a single letter, which stands for one of four commands: *L for Loading from disk; *S for Saving to disk; *K for Killing a disk file; and *Q for Quitting the program. All commands require a file name. (Even "Q" may not work unless you enter a file name.) The file name must line up with the F's and X's on the prompt. So, for instance, to save a file named MEMO.DO to the disk, enter the following command: > C FFFFFF.XX (C=KLSQ) > S MEMO .DO Neither (L)oad nor (S)ave will overwrite an existing file. If you try to overwrite a file either in RAM or on disk, you will get an "AE" (already exists) error. If you are (S)aving to disk, use TINY to (K)ill the old disk file first, then try (S)aving i t again. If you are (L)oading a RAM file and you get an AE error, you must (Q)uit TINY, kill the RAM file, then run TINY again to (L)oad the file. As you can see, TINY is a "no-frills" program. It does have one convenience, however; it remembers the last file name you typed. This can come in handy when overwriting files. For example, if you wanted to replace MEMO.DO on the disk, with the MEMO.DO in RAM, you could use the following sequence: > C FFFFFF.XX (C=KLSQ) > S MEMO .DO AE err > C FFFFFF.XX (C=KLSQ) > K > C FFFFFF.XX (C=KLSQ) > S ERRORS IN TINY TINY gives disk error codes corresponding to POWR-DOS codes. [these are the "new" codes:] NR 59 RS232 Not Ready for Disk Access DN 60 Drive not Responding CM 61 Communications Error DA 62 Drive Done Early WP 63 Disk is Write Protected DF 64 Disk is Full ND 65 No Disk in Drive HT 66 Miscellaneous Drive Trouble AE 67 File already exists; can't overwrite ========== That's complete documentation for the program. I'm certain I'm not the only person who's found it useful. joel 15jun88