RAMEXP.THD --- Copyright 1988 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. This message collection starts with a notice that Tandy RSCC is now selling the PG Designs 224K RAM expansion for the Model 100. Subsequent messages discuss characteristics and compatibility of this device -- and mention some competing alternatives. Message range: 173240 to 173320 Dates: 8/21/88 to 8/22/88 Sb: #RAM Expansion Fm: Ron De Iso 72300,3645 To: All Hey guys. Good news! Radio Shack will be selling PG Design 224K RAM banks as special order hardware (cat. no. 90-720, price $499). Same goes for TS-DOS (cat. no. 90-702, $70), LAPDOS (90-705,$90). BTW. Anybody know if there is any room in the 100's ROM bay for a SuperROM if the PGD 224K RAM bank is installed? I heard NO, but I need to confirm. Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: Ron De Iso 72300,3645 The 224K RAM bank is fully compatible with all the ROM's I have tried, both physically and otherwise. Tandy will not know this, but both the old and new FLOPPY's are incompatible with the MENU software that comes with the PG RAM banks. There is a very simple patch for each version of FLOPPY. PG Designs knows the patch, and I assume they will provide it to TAndy. Otherwise, both can be found in Lib 9. Now, I must say that it is bizarre that Tandy would discontinue the 100, and over two years later start selling a peripheral that ONLY works in that computer. STRANGE! Fm: Ron De Iso 72300,3645 To: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 Phil: Glad to hear that the PGD 224K RAM bank works with all ROM's. I heard from some folks that the 224K is Sooooo big that it fills the ROM socket and needs a special ROM bay cover. Anyway you probably never hear that old saw, "gee! If I could only get more RAM, I'd keep my ole 100." As for Tandy's strange behavior, NOT REALLY. Tandy knows that there are more 100's kicking around than 102's and that users part with them reluctantly. Other than the Apple Mac, I don't think that there is a computer more loved than the little 100. Love the 100...love Tandy. Get it. Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: Ron De Iso 72300,3645 Ron, the reason for the new cover is the depth of the RAM stack. ROM hole is still left open. I still think the PG RAM add-in is the best 100 peripheral around Makes it a totally diffeernt machine. Example: I keep all my utilities on board in banks 7 & 8. Good package, and computer is still the original size -my idea of the way accessories should work!! Fm: Derek Sutton 71266,1350 To: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 Excuse the buttin here guys... I had the 128k ram from the "other guys" an loved it UNTIL I got lucky and made some quick cash. BINGo I bought a BoosterPack. Now thats the only accessory that I could ever use. NO MORE COLD STARTS. Well, there are still cold starts but they dont bother me any more. Now I have bought almost a meg of memory, I only use thje PDD for backups and finished files. for a few bucks more get a BP - it makes the rambanks look like toys! (No I dont work for TS - nor have they ever done Anything extra for me - I even pay for my "legs". But i use the BP so much that I am now on my second battery pack!) Derek Fm: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 To: Derek Sutton 71266,1350 Booster Pak is quite a device. Unfortunately a 3 inch thick Model 100 (my wife dubbed it "the brick") was a major turnoff to me; tough to fit in my briefcase. I seldom have cold starts with my PG RAM bank -- only when I am doing development. A VERY solid product; but I cannot speak for others. I do know that having it all in the original case is very nice. Fm: Ron De Iso 72300,3645 To: Phil Wheeler 71266,125 Phil: Glad to hear that the ROM socket is free with the PGD RAM banks. I've got a 64K unit (Ver. 2.0) and it works flawlessly with my SuperRom and TS-DOS(Ver. 2.0). Have some problems with old Lucid files that had to be updated but now I store my Lucid files in Bank 3 until I'm completely through with them. Yhen I file them for keeps on the PDD (the circular file-hah,hah). I did get a cold start once when I had a bunch of old CO. files floating around in Bank 1 but I've got MENU.BA on cassette so I load and run that then copy TS-DOS from another bank and I'm up and running again. You're right though, the PGD unit is a good investment and makes the little M100 a whole 'nother thing.