RECOVR.DOC Documentation for RECOVR.DVI A Disk Recovery Program Copyright 1987 Robert L. Banks Jr. Ever had one of those days when you insert your favorite disk in the DVI (Disk Video Interface) and get that horror message: File Allocation Table Bad! Well, this program will allow you to recover those lost files off the disk. First download RECOVR.DVI and load it as a tokenized basic file. Insert the bad disk in drive 0 and run the program. The CRT screen will clear and the message 'Save to RAM? (YyNn)' will be present. If a 'Y' is keyed the file TRACKS.DO will be opened and the track or tracks saved for editing and viewing later. If a 'N' is keyed the CRT will be the default for the disk data. To best use the program, find the track which contains your lost data by viewing on the CRT for the first pass then loop the track or tracks again but this time use the yes option to save the data to RAM. Return to the Model 100 menu with the ESC key. Place the wide bar cursor over TRACKS.DO and press ENTER. You now have access to the lost data! Clean up the file, if necessary, and resave it to a new disk. One feature to note is that one single track may be recovered. If you enter `5' for Starting and Ending track, you will see track 5 only. Happy Recovery, R.L.Banks 72737,2551