SAVE.NOD by Paul Globman Copyright (c) 1990 Save Model 100 files to the Node Datapac/RAMPAC directly from the M100 menu. Simply select the file to be saved with the M100 widebar cursor, and type... SAVE.BA SAVE.BA and RAMDSK.CO must be in Model 100 RAM. SAVE.BA can be converted to SAVE with the CMD.BA utiltiy (DL8). 0 REM SAVE.NOD (c) 1990 by Paul Globman 1 A=64929+2*PEEK(65006):A=PEEK(A)+256*PEEK(A+1):FORX=3TO10:F$=F$+CHR$(PEEK(A+X)):NEXT:F$=F$+CHR$(13)+CHR$(13)+"Y" 2 A=65450:POKEA,11:FORX=1TO11:POKEA+2*X,0:POKEA+2*X-1,ASC(MID$(F$,X)):NEXT:CLEAR99,61681:LOADM"RAMDSK":CALL61896 3 CALL62061:CLEAR0,MAXRAM:X$=INKEY$:MENU