DSKMGR.100/200 and the TDD2 --------------------------- Contrary to some statements, DSKMGR will work in all its functions (even Format) with the TDD2. But there are some constraints and cautions to observe. 1) Although you can access all 200K+ of the disk, after formatting it in the TDD2, you can write no more than 40 files -- and only read the first 40 if they have been put there with another OS. This is due to the Bank 1 directory being in Sector 1 (with the Bank 0 directory in Sector 0). The banks are a directory structure, with the additional 158 sectors not allocated to a specific bank. 2) So far as I can tell, writing to a disk formatted in the TDD2, with DSKMGR and the TDD2, is completely safe. The danger would be overwrite of the Sector 1 directory (assuming you have been using the disk with FLOPPY2); so far as I can tell, this cannot happen -- based on examination of sector contents using TD2MON.100. 3) Do not try to write to a TDD2 disk with a TDD1. It will work, but you will end up with a disk with limited capacity showing in Bank 0. The first byte in bank 0 of a TDD1 disk is 00h, and in the TDD2 is 16h. Writing to the TDD2 disk with a TDD1 puts 00h in that byte -- and the sector access mode apparently will write every byte in the sector except that one. So TD2MON cannot be used to undo the damage. Of course, there may be a way I haven't yet found! Phil Wheeler -- 71266,125 17 July 1987