TDDMON.100 -- A Disk Examine and Patch Utility ---------------------------------------------- TDDMON.100 is a utility for examining TDD disks on a sector/byte basis, one sector at a time, with POWR-DOS installed. It is based on MONTOR.100 (DL4), which is based on LOOKIT.100 by Joel Hassell, also in DL4. When you run this program you will be asked for a starting sector. The program will read the sector into RAM (HIMEM to MAXRAM, with HIMEM=MAXRAM-1292). It then enters the examination and patch mode -- where you can change a byte just by typing in a new hex value. The left column of numbers is the sector (one or two digits, in decimal) and the row's offset from the start of the sector (four hex digits). Move within the sector using the cursor keys (alone, shifted or with CTRL). Note that MAXRAM is at 050C hex -- so here and beyond you are in SYSTEM RAM! Similarly, if you go back before 0000 hex, you may be in a buffer or a RAM file. Do not patch anything in these areas!! The new version of 10/11/86 shows you when you have gone below HIMEM ("LoRAM") or above MAXRAM ("HiRAM"); but the last four bytes of the highest "normal" line are above the sector. Be careful not to hit the function keys in this mode. They can modify the byte under the cursor! To get out of this mode, hit the ESC key. You will then be given some options, which are pretty self-explanatory. One option, Write Sector to Disk, will replace the sector on the disk by the one in RAM -- so you can change disk contents a byte at a time. Another option lets you dump the sector to a RAM file of your chice; this can be used for recovering ASCII files (ONLY). This is definitely a hackers tool! It is offered for use in the current thrust to utilize POWR-DOS effectively. It has NO error trapping. Use it at your own risk, especially the "Write Sector to Disk" option! Phil Wheeler [71266,125] Torrance, CA 10/11/86