The following short program patches the FLOPPY.CO after LOADMing into high mem- ory so that the function key labels are where they should be (LCD line 8, just above the key numbers). To use it, put FLOPPY.CO in high mem by following the instruction in the Operation Manual or by LOADM "FLOPPY.CO"; then RUN FXMENU. The FLOPPY program in high memory will be patched. Now CALL 59400 to see the new funtion menu. For easy use, SAVE this call as a one line BASIC program, and run it instead of FLOPPY. I have modified my working copy of FLOPPY with the changes in FXMENU, but the method I used is tedious involving converting FLOPPY.CO to FLOPPY.DO, modifying it by hand, and then converting it back to FLOPPY.CO. I suspect there are easier ways to go. Comments are welcome. 10 CLEAR 300 20 A$="Disk File Manager Ver.01.00.00"+CHR$(13)+STRING$(7,CHR$(10))+"File Load Save Bkup Kill Name Frmt Menu"+STRING$(60,CHR$(0)) 30 A=59607:FOR X=1 TO 138 40 POKE A+X,ASC(MID$(A$,X,1)):NEXT X 50 POKE 59449,4:REM moves avail memory msg to line 4 60 POKE 59481,4:POKE 59482,5:REM moves time$ msg to line 4, pos 5 70 END