Tandy Disk Drive Menu - Patches for Tandy 200 (revised 11/21/85) By Steve Zimmerman, 73226,3504 Public Domain - feel free to use or change as you wish! The program in TDDTIP.005 can be modified for the Tandy 200 in two ways - one gives an 8-line format (as on the Model 100, using the top half of the screen, and the other uses the full display. The two programs below will patch the DOS in high memory. Just run FLOPPY.CO as you normally would, key F8 (menu) from the DOS menu and return to the main menu, and run either of the programs you have keyed in from below. At this point, from Basic, you can CALL 57500 to see if the new DOS menu is working as it should. If it is, then kill FLOPPY.CO. To save your patched DOS as FLOPPY.CO (or whatever), enter Basic, and type: SAVEM"FLOPPY.CO",57500,60918,57500 and press . Wow! You now have a NEW version of FLOPPY.CO which you can save to disk. (This is much easier than the hand-modifying method referred to in TDDTIP.005 - and besides, I don't know how to do it that way!) Keep this copy as your working copy. I also recommend the 11-byte program in TDDTIP.001 as an alternative to keeping FLOPPY.CO in both high and low memory. I keep my modified FLOPPY.CO in one ram bank, and use the DISK.BA program to call the DOS in my other two banks. With this method, I can use MSPLAN in the bank with FLOPPY.CO, and not have to worry about corrupting the DOS (and, it seems to work fine with sheets I've created AFTER loading the DOS and setting HIMEM to 57500!). Of course, I only have about 12 K for worksheets, but you can't have everything... 0 REM For Labels on Line 8, T200! 10 CLEAR300 20 A$="Disk File Manager Ver.01.00.00"+CHR$(13)+STRING$(7,CHR$(10))+"File Load Save Bkup Kill Name Frmt Menu"+STRING$(60,CHR$(0)) 25 REM ...+STRING$(x,chr$...--x is number of lines down to print labels 30 A=57718:FOR X=1 TO 138 40 POKE A+X,ASC(MID$(A$,X,1)):NEXT X 50 POKE 57555,5:POKE 57556,6 55 REM first poke is row #, second is column # to print bytes free at 60 POKE 57587,5:POKE 57588,28 65 REM first poke is row #, second is column # to print time at 70 CLEAR256,57500:MENU (checksum 37268) 0 REM For Labels on Line 16, T200! 10 CLEAR300 20 A$="Disk File Manager Ver.01.00.00"+CHR$(13)+STRING$(15,CHR$(10))+"File Load Save Bkup Kill Name Frmt Menu"+STRING$(60,CHR$(0)) 25 REM ...+STRING$(x,chr$...--x is number of lines down to print labels 30 A=57718:FOR X=1 TO 138 40 POKE A+X,ASC(MID$(A$,X,1)):NEXT X 50 POKE 57555,8:POKE 57556,6 55 REM first poke is row #, second is column # to print bytes free at 60 POKE 57587,8:POKE 57588,28 65 REM first poke is row #, second is column # to print time at 70 CLEAR256,57500:MENU (checksum 37368) To change the position of the starting line (Disk File Manager...), change Line 20 to: 20 A$=CHR$(10)+" Disk File Manager V.01.00.01"+CHR$(13)+STRING$(14,CHR$(10))+ "File Load Save Bkup Kill Name Frmt Menu"+STRING$(60,CHR$(0)) This will change the checksum of the second program listed above to 37663. I tried this because I don't like the label stuck up in the upper-left corner of the screen. You can make any changes you wish in the A$ string as long as you don't change the total length - this string goes into the addresses from 57719 to 57856, and other screen messages begin IMMEDIATELY thereafter. If you overwrite those messages, there just MAY be problems... After disassembling the DOS to find the addresses for these routines in the 200, I've come to the conclusion that Tandy DID NOT come up with relocatable code for these routines - FLOPPY_SYS on the Utility disk is so large because it has BOTH routines and TWO loaders in it - one for the M100 and one for the T200! Of course, I could be wrong here, but the difference in addresses of the routines and the differences in the ROM addresses being CALLed would seem to preclude the DOS being in relocatable code for each system. Feel free to use and expand on these. >>>Steve