UTLDIC.CHP Chipmunk Dictionary Utilities Copyright 1986 David W. Willman Licensed for use only, Compuserve M100 Forum members. REMDIC.BA This program takes a word list stored in the RAM file SUSPEC.DO and removes these words from the disk dictionary files DIC-AB.DO thru DIC-YZ.DO . The words within SUSPEC.DO must be spelled exactly as they appear in the disk dictionary files, each word on a seperate line with no blank lines in between, all small letters, but they need not be in alphabetical order. SUSPEC.DO is not automatically killed so it can be removed from back-up disks. 0' REMDIC.CHP Copyright 1986 David W. Willman 10 CLEAR256:MAXFILES=3:CLS:PRINT:PRINT"Place Dictionary disk in drive":PRINT"then hit any key to continue.";:A$=INPUT$(1):ONERRORGOTO130:PRINT:OPEN"0:DIC-AB.DO"FORINPUTAS1:CLOSE:CLS:ONERRORGOTO150:OPEN"SUSPEC.DO"FORINPUTAS1:ONERRORGOTO180 20 IFEOF(1)THENCLOSE:GOTO70ELSELINEINPUT#1,B$:GOSUB90:GOSUB100 30 IFEOF(2)THENCLOSE2,3:GOSUB80:GOTO20ELSELINEINPUT#2,D$:IFB$=D$THEN30ELSEPRINT#3,D$:GOTO30 70 MAXFILES=1:MENU 80 KILLH$:NAME"0:TP-DIC.DO"ASH$:RETURN 90 B=ASC(LEFT$(B$,1))-32:RETURN 100 IFBAND1THENC$=CHR$(B)+CHR$(B+1)ELSEC$=CHR$(B-1)+CHR$(B) 110 H$="0:DIC-"+C$+".DO":CLS:PRINT@80,"Deleting from file "H$:OPENH$FORINPUTAS2:OPEN"0:TP-DIC.DO"FOROUTPUTAS3:RETURN 130 PRINT:IFERR=52THENPRINT"Dictionary disk not in drive."ELSEPRINT"Error #"ERR" in line #"ERL 140 PRINT"Hit any key to continue.";:A$=INPUT$(1):IFERR<>52THEN170ELSERESUME10 150 PRINT:IFERR=52THENPRINT"SUSPEC.DO file not found."ELSEPRINT"Error #"ERR" in line #"ERL 160 PRINT"Hit any key to return to menu.";:A$=INPUT$(1) 170 CLOSE:MAXFILES=1:MENU 180 PRINT:PRINT"Error #"ERR" in line #"ERL:GOTO160 CRDICT.BA This program creates the blank dictionary files DIC-AB.DO thru DIC-YZ.DO on a formatted disk. If the file DIC-AB.DO already exists it will abort. 0' CRDICT.CHP Copyright 1986 David W. Willman 10 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"Place dictionary disk in drive":PRINT"then hit any key to continue.";:A$=INPUT$(1):PRINT:ONERRORGOTO20:OPEN"0:DIC-AB.DO"FORINPUTAS1:PRINT"Dictionary files already exist.":CLOSE:END 20 FORN=65TO89STEP2:H$="0:DIC-"+CHR$(N)+CHR$(N+1)+".DO":OPENH$FOROUTPUTAS1:CLOSE:NEXT:MENU PRTDIC.BA This program prints the words in the specified dictionary disk file in a format of 4 words (max. 18 chars./word) per line and sends an ASCII 12 (top of forms) to the printer at the end of the file. 0' PRTDIC.CHP Copyright 1986 David W. Willman 10 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"Place dictionary disk in drive":PRINT"then hit any key to continue.";:A$=INPUT$(1):H$="0:DIC-" 20 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"Enter pair of letters of file :"; 25 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN25ELSEIFASC(A$)<>13THENH$=H$+A$:PRINTA$;:GOTO25ELSEPRINT:H$=H$+".DO":OPENH$FORINPUTAS1:LPRINT"Printing words in "H$;SPACE$(20);DATE$;SPACE$(5);TIME$:LPRINT:GOSUB30:CLOSE:LPRINTCHR$(12):MENU 30 IFEOF(1)THENRETURNELSELINEINPUT#1,A$:GOSUB40:LPRINT" "A$;:IFEOF(1)THENRETURNELSELINEINPUT#1,A$:GOSUB40:LPRINTA$;:IFEOF(1)THENRETURNELSELINEINPUT#1,A$:GOSUB40:LPRINTA$;:IFEOF(1)THENRETURNELSELINEINPUT#1,A$:GOSUB40:LPRINTA$:GOTO30 40 IFLEN(A$)<19THENA$=A$+" ":GOTO40ELSEIFLEN(A$)>19THENA$=LEFT$(A$,19):RETURNELSERETURN CNTDIC.BA This program will count & display the number of words in each of the disk dictionary files, as well as, the total number of words in the dictionary. (This program is Model 100 specific, due to PEEK in line 25) 0' CNTDIC.CHP Copyright 1986 David W. Willman (MODEL 100 SPECIFIC!) 10 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"Place dictionary disk in drive":PRINT"then hit any key to continue.";:A$=INPUT$(1):C=0:TC=0: 20 CLS:FORN=65TO89STEP2:H$="0:DIC-"+CHR$(N)+CHR$(N+1)+".DO":OPENH$FORINPUTAS1:PRINT:PRINT"Counting words in "H$:PRINT"Words this file =" 25 P=(PEEK(63033)-2)*40+17:GOSUB30:CLOSE:TC=TC+C:C=0:BEEP:NEXT:PRINT:PRINT"Total words ="TC:PRINT:PRINT"Hit any key to return to menu.";:A$=INPUT$(1):MENU 30 IFEOF(1)THENRETURNELSELINEINPUT#1,A$:C=C+1:PRINT@P,C:GOTO30