ADDCLP.200 (c)1989 by James Yi 73327,1653 ADDCLP.CO is 239 bytes and runs in AltLCD, at $F856. The source code is in ADDCLP.SRC, not needed to run ADDCLP. It's a text utility that lets clips of text cut(F5) or copied(F6) accumulate in the paste buffer, instead of replacing its previous content. It can be used as F3 Util of XOS-3A.200, which can simplify text access by letting you choose a text file by just placing the cursor over a file and pressing F3, instead of running ADDCLP by itself and typing the file name. See XOS200.DOC on how to install an XOS-3A utility. ADDCLP can by itself run from Menu, without XOS-3A. When it's run from the Menu, it prompts for a file name. Type the name, and as you press ENTER, hold down SHIFT if you want the word wrap feature intact, else just ENTER to disable word wrapping. Cut and copy as you would normally, and the new text will be added to what is already in the paste buffer. To clear the paste buffer, press F6 right after pressing F7, without moving the cursor. The program turns itself off when you exit the text, or when the function key labels change. That means if you press F4(List), ADDCLP feature will not be there as you re-enter text with F4(Edit). If typing the file name each time you access a text file becomes too inconvenient, you may want to try the following solution. Create the Basic program listed below for each text file that you access frequently, and then whenever you want to edit one, run the Basic program for that file. In line 1, replace "NOTE" with another name, and change W=0 to W=1, if you want the word wrapping feature enabled. 1 F$="NOTE":W=0 2 F$=F$+CHR$(0):V=VARPTR(F$) 3 LOADM"ADDCLP":CALL63574,W,PEEK(V+1)+PEEK(V+2)*256 To create ADDCLP.CO, run this loader: 10 REM ADDCLP.200 15 REM Lets paste buffer append 20 REM (C)1989 by James Yi 73327,1653 30 REM This is a BASIC loader that creates ADDCLP.CO, which runs in AltLCD. 40 REM ADDCLP.CO can be run from the Menu or called from BASIC, but it will exit to Menu and not return to BASIC. 50 REM It can also be used as XOS-3A utility. See XOS200.DOC on how to do this. 80 READS:IFS>MAXRAMTHENCLEAR200ELSECLEAR256,S 85 RESTORE:READS,E,F$:PRINT"Loading "F$:PRINT"Please Wait.. "; 90 FORA=STOE:READB:POKEA,B:NEXT:SAVEMF$,S,E,S+3 95 PRINT"Done!":PRINT"Read LINES 10-70 for explanations." 100 DATA 63574,63812,ADDCLP.CO,195,166,248,58,21,253,230,4,202,126,248,58,72,248,111,38,0,41,17,201,247,25,235,237,235,26,230 110 DATA 240,254,192,19,237,62,0,202,171,248,205,69,79,204,42,42,33,142,248,34,52,239,33,212,113,205,32,110,175,196,69,79,205 120 DATA 75,113,33,197,113,205,158,103,205,240,84,215,202,164,103,58,22,253,230,1,245,205,115,45,241,229,17,11,245,237,34,229 130 DATA 248,33,192,248,217,33,0,0,34,210,239,195,36,115,229,42,229,248,227,229,213,197,245,33,4,22,229,56,28,237,1,169,115 140 DATA 8,33,122,240,194,225,248,54,255,33,235,248,217,201,126,60,200,33,0,0,34,11,245,201,50,202,239,245,205,212,121,241 150 DATA 245,254,15,202,18,249,254,21,202,31,249,254,27,194,176,115,58,203,239,254,27,194,176,115,241,205,228,248,195,21,116 160 DATA 241,205,207,118,205,100,119,205,50,249,195,27,120,241,205,207,118,205,100,119,205,137,120,202,44,120,205,50,249,195 170 DATA 47,120,205,98,44,17,160,242,237,62,26,190,35,194,59,249,43,217,195,154,120 END