CHIME.200 - Plays decaying volume chime through the internal buzzer. I'm not sure how it works, but by varying the duty cycle of the square wave generated, volume control effect is achived; shorter the period of off cycle, lower the volume. Run this to produce CHIME.CO: 5 CLEAR256:READF$,T:IFT<=MAXRAMTHENCLEAR256,T:READF$,T 6 READE,X:PRINTF$;T;E;X:M=T:S$="":R=0 7 IFM>ETHENSAVEMF$,T,E,X:MENUELSEIFS$=""THENREADS$ 8 H=ASC(MID$(S$,1))-64:IFH<16THENN=H*16+ASC(MID$(S$,2))-64:S$=MID$(S$,3)ELSER=H-16:S$=MID$(S$,2) 9 POKEM,N:M=M+1:IFRTHENR=R-1:GOTO9ELSE7 10 DATAchime,63574,63737,63574,BAANCLLCNLOHAN@@CB@@AGPAHOOBJFAOHNKBJENOHKNPMENEGKLMMBOHDHLMIFOHNAMA@IMJHGOHAELHCJFCOHHCEOLCFHOH 11 DATAM@SKNPLCFKOHBJENOHDDDMBJELOH@@PKNCNBNMCKJNNB@MH_]MCKJEDEMGJKCAKLBLEOHGHKA@KLBIIOHLIBAF@OHDN@F@@GGBAJBOH@INKBAMHPMINK@HDO 12 DATA@INKBAMCKJMILIOCGMCBELOHGLCBENOHLMFDOHOKLI Run CHIME.CO to hear a chime. CHIME.CO runs in AltLCD buffer. To vary the tone and length of chime, run this and provide pitch and duration values. Range of pitch and duration are 0 to 255. 10 INPUT "Pitch";P 20 INPUT "Duration";D 30 LOADM "chime" 35 S=63577 40 CALL S,,P+D*256 70 GOTO 10