DBG.200 BY Paul Globman Copyright (c) 1985,1989 Run the BASIC loader to create DBG.CO. DBG.CO prompts for user input with the ">" prompt. You can then enter one of nine (9) commands. These commands are: A = Add (and subtract) HEX numbers. B = Back to T200 menu. C = Compare memory blocks. D = Display memory contents. E = Examine or replace memoy. F = Find a byte sequence. G = Go to a HEX address and execute. H = HEX to decimal conversion. I = Integer (decimal to HEX) conversion All values are entered and displayed in HEX. When entering a HEX number, the last four digits are used, so F25F33 will be the same as 5F33. Parameters can be separated with a comma (,) or space. Upper or lower case may be used. All Errors are displayed as a "*" and the command is aborted, with a return to the ">" prompt. If a lengthy section of RAM is being displayed, the scrolling can be paused and restarted with the spacebar. The ESC key will abort the display. THE COMMAND SYNTAX. ------------------- A = Add (and subtract) HEX numbers. ----------------------------------- A1000,1010 2010 FFF0 (sum difference) B = Back to T200 menu --------------------- C = Compare memory blocks ------------------------- C1000,2000,3000 100F 00 FF* Compare block from 1000 to 2000, with block beginning at 3000, and display first non-match (address and values). D = Display memory contents --------------------------- D1000,1FFF 1000 2E 34 00 FE 8F 19 DD F0 1008 EF FD B2 96 C3 05 F0 23 . . 1FF8 DE 2E 41 BC C0 34 C0 C0 E = Examine or replace memoy ---------------------------- EFB00 23- ED- A4-/ED-/23- After the "-" you can type a hex byte and it will get installed at the location. A space character will display the next location and a "/" will back up one location in memory. F = Find a byte sequence ------------------------ F1000 3 1000 This will look for a match of the 3 bytes beginning at 1000 and display all location where these bytes are found. All of memory (RAM and ROM) is searched. G = Go to a HEX address and execute. ------------------------------------ G4F45 will BEEP and return. If the code being executed ends in a return, then after execution you will remain in the DBG program. H = HEX to decimal conversion. ------------------------------ H1000 4096 1000H equals 4096 (decimal) I = Integer (decimal to HEX) conversion. ---------------------------------------- I4096 H1000 4096 The HEX and decimal equivalent values are desplayed on the next line, in the same format used by the H command. NOTE: The stack is set at FFFFH. A safe area for E)ntering byte sequences, which can then be used with the F)ind command is FF00H. Example: EFF00 00-C3 00-45 00-4F This replaces the three 00's located at FF00H with C3 45 4F (JMP 4F45H). Example: FFF00,3 This will F)ind and display all locations in ROM or RAM memory where this byte sequence is found. 1 '************************ 2 '* DBG .CO * 3 '* by Paul Globman * 4 '* Copyright (c) 1989 * 5 '************************ 10 FOR I = 63572 TO 64047 20 READ X:POKE I,X:SM=SM+X 30 NEXT 40 IF SM = 76483 THEN 60 50 PRINT"error in data":STOP 60 SAVEM"DBG.CO",63572,64047,63572 1000 DATA 49,255,255,33,84,248,229 1010 DATA 205,42,250,62,62,231,205 1020 DATA 242,249,230,127,202,97,248 1030 DATA 214,65,248,254,9,208,135 1040 DATA 33,124,248,133,111,126,35 1050 DATA 102,111,14,2,233,104,249 1060 DATA 0,0,3,249,18,249,214 1070 DATA 248,180,248,165,248,170,248 1080 DATA 142,248,205,246,84,218,31 1090 DATA 250,35,205,22,9,235,220 1100 DATA 31,250,62,72,231,205,176 1110 DATA 249,195,11,71,205,53,249 1120 DATA 225,233,205,53,249,225,205 1130 DATA 179,249,195,11,71,205,37 1140 DATA 250,75,235,33,0,0,205 1150 DATA 42,250,197,213,229,205,17 1160 DATA 110,225,229,204,176,249,225 1170 DATA 209,193,35,124,181,194,191 1180 DATA 248,195,42,250,205,53,249 1190 DATA 225,126,205,122,249,205,200 1200 DATA 249,216,202,245,248,254,47 1210 DATA 202,255,248,229,205,96,249 1220 DATA 209,225,115,120,254,13,200 1230 DATA 35,125,230,7,204,173,249 1240 DATA 195,218,248,43,195,246,248 1250 DATA 205,43,249,10,190,194,16 1260 DATA 250,3,205,184,249,195,6 1270 DATA 249,205,37,250,205,173,249 1280 DATA 205,179,249,126,205,122,249 1290 DATA 205,184,249,125,230,7,194 1300 DATA 24,249,195,21,249,12,205 1310 DATA 55,249,205,42,250,195,12 1320 DATA 250,14,1,33,0,0,205 1330 DATA 242,249,71,205,220,249,218 1340 DATA 77,249,41,41,41,41,181 1350 DATA 111,195,58,249,227,229,120 1360 DATA 205,208,249,210,88,249,13 1370 DATA 200,194,31,250,13,194,55 1380 DATA 249,201,14,1,33,0,0 1390 DATA 195,61,249,205,37,250,229 1400 DATA 25,205,176,249,225,183,213 1410 DATA 193,8,124,205,122,249,125 1420 DATA 245,15,15,15,15,205,131 1430 DATA 249,241,205,163,249,245,121 1440 DATA 231,205,142,249,241,201,197 1450 DATA 213,229,205,3,139,225,209 1460 DATA 193,200,254,27,202,31,250 1470 DATA 254,32,192,195,6,250,230 1480 DATA 15,198,144,39,206,64,39 1490 DATA 79,201,205,42,250,205,117 1500 DATA 249,14,32,195,134,249,205 1510 DATA 190,249,208,209,201,35,124 1520 DATA 181,55,200,123,149,122,156 1530 DATA 201,14,45,205,134,249,205 1540 DATA 242,249,254,32,200,254,44 1550 DATA 200,254,13,55,200,63,201 1560 DATA 214,48,216,254,23,63,216 1570 DATA 254,10,63,208,214,7,254 1580 DATA 10,201,205,6,250,230,127 1590 DATA 201,205,236,249,200,60,248 1600 DATA 61,254,13,200,231,254,64 1610 DATA 216,254,123,208,230,95,201 1620 DATA 229,213,197,205,247,18,193 1630 DATA 209,225,201,71,205,176,249 1640 DATA 126,205,122,249,205,179,249 1650 DATA 120,205,122,249,62,42,231 1660 DATA 195,84,248,205,55,249,209 1670 DATA 225,245,205,62,79,241,201 1680 REM END OF DATA