5 rem FSTMDM - copyright 1988 Bob Scott CIS 73125,1437 10 'Revisions for Model 200 by Wm. Linden, 72737,2150 20 if (peek(64268)=151) and (peek(64269)=238) then print"Removing 450 bps":poke 64268,168:poke 64269,1566:clear 256,maxram:menu 30 print "Installing 450 bps":poke 64269,238:poke 64268,151 40 clear 256,maxram-25 50 for i=61079 to 61098:read x%:poke i,x%:next i 60 menu 70 data 243,245,62,85,211,188,62,65,211,189,62 80 data 195,211,184,205,69,79,241,251,201