FLCHK.200 is in a form of hexadecimal file, and needs conversion to a CO file before it can be run. Use HXFER.200 for this. To check a file, enter its full name, including the extension(.DO, .BA, or .CO) You can also check a range of memory space by entering the beginning and end of memory area, in decimal. For example, entering: 60000,60099 at the 'File to check?' prompt will perform a checksum on 100 bytes of memory, beginning at address 60000. The size of the file and checksum will both be displayed on the screen, and recorded in a file named CHKSUM.DO. Checksums on DO files can be used to check files uploaded/downloaded in this sig. Graphics characters and line length can also be checked. A high beep and a low beep will be heard for each graphics character and line with length over 132 characters, respectively.