GRDUMP.THD --- Copyright 1988 by Phil Wheeler An original compilation of Compuserve Model 100 Forum messages for use by Forum members only. This is a short thread of captured messages, on the identification and solution to problems with the GRaphics DUMP program GRDUMP for the Tandy 200. Message range: 168098 to 168208 Dates: 4/25/88 to 4/27/88 Sb: #GRDUMP Fm: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 To: 73327,1653 Got GRDUMP from dl10. Very nice. But on my epsom printer this program insists of skipping lines so that screen dump doesn't fit together i.e. there's 'white lines' between each line of output. Even when I run a little program that makes sure (with any program, including TEXT) that lines will touch vertically. What to do? Any other vreader of this message with suggestions for good screen dump programs for the 200-- so Ican dump bar charts, pie charts, etc--? Fm: Tony Anderson 76703,4062 To: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 The problem you are experiencing with the Epson printer is due to the default setting of 6 lines per inch, and the fact that your printer is only using 8 of the 9 pins in the printhead. Setting your line spacing to 8 lines per inch may help, since that will cover up the "white line" where the 9th pin should strike but doesn't. See your printer manual, it probably has a lot of space devoted to graphics displays; I have two Epson's and both of the manuals devote over 50% to graphic control and display. In the appendix, you'l find printer control codes that will change the line spacing to whatever you want/need. Fm: James Yi 73327,1653 To: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 The line spacing has to be smaller, and to do that, modify DATA line 9100. Try substituting the 15th data item, 24, in line 9100 with a smaller value, like 21 or 18, etc. Fm: Curtis Karnow 73047,3120 To: James Yi 73327,1653 Thanks to both Tony A. and James Li, the following modifications create good pie and bar charts on my Epson LX-80: just before LOADM'ing the dump program, i set line spacing to 8lines per inch; i modify the dump program as Li suggests, using the value "11" instead of 24 in line 9100, then after the machine program runs, I reset the printer with one line, (ESC @). Anyone who wants more detail, just ask. The point is that line spacing and resetting the printer can all be done within in the confines of the program calling the dump routine.