HELLO.200 This patch adapts HELLO.BA for the Tandy 200. ROM calls, OPEN statement, and graphic are changed. To use, store it as FIX.DO. Run HELLO.100, break, then type MERGE"Fix". For more help, see HELLO.DOC. 0 ' HELLO.200 3.2 March 2/85 25 LINE(33,5)-(212,81),1,B:LINE(35,7)-(210,79),1,B:LINE(37,9)-(208,77),1,B 30 PRINT@128,CHR$(128)+" "+CHR$(34)+"Hello, sweetheart, "+CHR$(128) 32 PRINT@173,"get me rewrite!"+CHR$(34):PRINT@256,"TANDY 200":LINE(94,46)-(150,56),1,B 35 PRINT@328,CHR$(171)+"1985 All rights reserved" 190 OPEN"MDM:7E2DNN,O,10"FOROUTPUTAS1 920 CALL25040:CALL25131,0,AD ELS