0 'This program will dump the M200 SCREEN to a DMP-130 printer, 1 'including graphics created with PSET or LINE commands. 2 'Printer codes are explained in the lines where used to help for changes 3 'for other printers. 4 'To understand the OUT and INP codes used, refer to LCDIO.200 in DL4. 5 'MANY THANKS TO James Yi/73327,1653 FOR HIS TUTORIAL ON LCD200 SECRETS 6 'Make this program a subroutine of a larger program by changing line numbers. 7 'Rem can be deleted to make it faster. 8 ' 9 ' LUC BOUCHARD 10 ' 73327,2320 11 ' 15 LPRINTCHR$(18) 'put printer in graphic mode 20 LPRINTCHR$(27);CHR$(21) 'set for carriage return only 30 LPRINTCHR$(27);CHR$(85);CHR$(0) 'unidirectional printing for better alignment 40 L=PEEK(65196):M=PEEK(65197) 50 OUT255,10:OUT254,L:OUT255,11:OUT254,M:OUT255,13:BY=INP(254) 65 CO=0 70 FORC=0TO5119 'bytes to print=40COLx128LINES 80 BY=INP(254) 'get byte 90 FORBI=0TO5 'print 6 bits/byte starting at lsb 100 IF(BY AND 2^BI)/2^BI THEN LPRINTCHR$(129);ELSE LPRINTCHR$(128); 'print each bit 105 NEXTBI 110 CO=CO+1:IF CO>39 THEN CO=0 :LPRINTCHR$(27);CHR$(50) ' LF=1/72" 130 NEXTC 135 LPRINTCHR$(30) 'return printer to normal mode