MP2TXT.CO (c) 1990 Copyright by Paul Globman ------------------------- MP2TXT is a "MSPLAN to TEXT" utility that directs the printer output to a routine that writes to a TEXT file. MSPLAN does not offer an option to save a spreadsheet to a TEXT file for further editing/merging with other documents. Operating parameters -------------------- 1) This utility is written for XOS-C users. XBASIC.CO must be in bank #3. 2) Your MSPLAN spreadsheet cannot be in bank #2. 3) The output file will be in bank #2 and is called LPT.DO. 4) You may run MP2TXT.CO cross bank via F3, or cursor select it. MP2TXT.CO will prompt you for the MSPLAN file name, and you will then be in MSPLAN. When you press PRINT or SHIFT PRINT, the data is diverted from the printer port and appended to the LPT.DO file in bank #2. Succesive print operations will collect in one file, and will be separated by a ^L (printer form feed) at the end of each spreadsheet. When you exit MSPLAN and return to the menu, printed material is once again directed to the printer port. Errors ------ If XBASIC is not in bank #3, then MP2TXT will not operate and you are returned to the menu. If you run out of RAM in bank #2, your spreadsheet will not be fully printed, but you will not corrupt other files or crash the Tandy 200. If entering MSPLAN via MP2TXT causes the "Bad file format" message, you may ignore the message and enter the name of your spreadsheet. XOS-C does NOT cross load the actual MSPLAN files. You may cross load MP2TXT.CO by storing it in bank #3 and calling it from bank #1, where the spreadsheet file is located. WARNING ------- Do not use without XOS-C installed. 1 '************************ 2 '* MP2TXT.CO * 3 '* by Paul Globman * 4 '* Copyright (c) 1990 * 5 '************************ 10 FOR I = 65362 TO 65535 20 READ X:POKE I,X:SM=SM+X 30 NEXT 40 IF SM = 22381 THEN 60 50 PRINT"error in data":STOP 60 SAVEM"MP2TXT.CO",65362,65535,65362 1000 DATA 33,198,255,34,61,245,33 1010 DATA 132,255,34,19,245,205,219 1020 DATA 160,33,242,255,62,8,205 1030 DATA 112,248,58,119,239,167,194 1040 DATA 198,255,33,168,156,34,87 1050 DATA 249,34,201,248,33,234,255 1060 DATA 62,2,205,112,248,195,153 1070 DATA 108,229,213,197,245,33,213 1080 DATA 255,119,35,34,137,255,58 1090 DATA 210,255,60,50,210,255,241 1100 DATA 254,10,202,175,255,254,13 1110 DATA 194,167,255,62,10,195,135 1120 DATA 255,58,210,255,254,19,218 1130 DATA 193,255,33,210,255,62,4 1140 DATA 205,112,248,175,50,210,255 1150 DATA 33,213,255,34,137,255,193 1160 DATA 209,225,241,201,33,168,156 1170 DATA 34,61,245,34,19,245,195 1180 DATA 164,103,0,213,255,0,0 1190 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1200 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 1210 DATA 0,0,0,0,0,5,237 1220 DATA 255,50,58,76,80,84,11 1230 DATA 245,255,51,58,88,66,65 1240 DATA 83,73,67,46,67,79 1250 REM END OF DATA