This file is NODEBK.200. It automatically installs NODEBK.BA in a few seconds. With about 10k free RAM, simply go to BASIC from your main menu and PASTE this entire file in. Ignore the error messages. When the job is complete, you will hear a beep and be returned to your main menu with NODEBK.BA in place. Before using NODEBK.BA, KILL all other files from the main menu and make sure Power DOS is installed. NODEBK.BA lets you choose to format disks (option #1), back up your entire DataPac to disk (option #2), restore DataPac from disk (option #3), or reformat your DataPac (part of option #3). With NODEBK.BA you can use your DataPac as 256k buffer to copy entire disks. Since Power Disk can access only bank #0 of the TDD2, bank #1 is not available with NODEBK.BA Occasionally when saving your DataPac to disk (option #2) the program will stop with an OK prompt. If that happens simply backspace to the left margin and then type RUN9 and press . The code that saves to disk is modified from BARKRD.200 by Tom Fitzptrick. Option #3 creates FXX.DO which lists the file names found on disk. You can edit this file and delete file names, but don't change the file in any other way. The last line must not be changed. After editing, simply RUN NODEBK.BA, select option three and only the files remaining in FXX.DO will be reloaded to DataPac To prevent inadvertently losing data, the "Yes" response for reformatting the DataPac is case specific and must be typed exactly that way. NODEBK.BA equires T-200, Node DataPac (128/256k), Node's option ROM, & Power Disk installed. Program length = 3k including REM statements and 2.4k without them. Remove the REM statements from NODEBK.BA! From BASIC, LOAD"NODEBK" and then Paste in the next 14 lines. 1 CLS:RUN5000 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 64999 65000 KILL"NODEBK.BA" NEW 1 CLS:RUN5000:REM NODEBK.BA 2/28/21 2 CLS:PRINT"This portion adapted by Louis Self from ":PRINT"BACKRD.200 by Tom Fitzpatrick 72237,2656 9 CALL17001:CLEAR256:MAXFILES=1:DEFINTT-Y:DEFSNGZ:DEFSTRA-C:ONERRORGOTO50 11 Z=61162:C="":RESTORE:DATA128,136,160,168,192,200,0 12 OPEN"QFQF"FORINPUTAS1:INPUT#1,V,W:CLOSE 14 READX:IFX<>VTHEN14 15 IFX=0THEN30ELSEPOKE-1,X:Y=0 16 CALLZ,18,VARPTR(C):IFPEEK(-1)=0THENREADX:W=0:GOTO15 17 Y=Y+1:IFY55THENPRINT"Error "U" in line "ERL:END 53 PRINT"DISK ERROR"U;:FORX=1TO20:BEEP:NEXT 54 IFU>58ANDU<68THENPRINT"?"MID$(" NRDNCNDAWPDFNDHTAE",(U-58)*2,2) 55 IFU=55THENPRINT"Bad file name or DOS is not installed "; 56 PRINT"- Retry/Skip/Abort"; 57 ONINSTR("RrSsAa",INPUT$(1))GOTO22,22,23,23,30,30:GOTO57 120 REM Load from disk Variables: 122 REM C Call address for save to NODE 124 REM F File posission 126 REM F$ File name currently working on 128 REM FXX.DO List of files to load from disk 130 REM FYY.DO Contains last file # loaded 132 REM I$ For re-runing after killing .BA 134 REM P Poke address for auto run 136 REM T Chr. to poke for re-run ?? 138 REM X Poke counter for rerun 140 REM Y Last file# loaded 160 OPEN"FYY"FORINPUTAS1:INPUT#1,F,Y,F$:CLOSE:Y=F:RETURN 180 CLOSE:OPEN"FYY"FOROUTPUTAS1:PRINT#1,F","Y","F$:CLOSE 200 I$="RUN "+I$+CHR$(13):X=LEN(I$):FORT=1TOX:POKE2*T+64797,ASC(MID$(I$,T)):POKE2*T+64798,0:NEXT:POKE64798,X:RETURN 220 PRINT"...saving";:CALL61162,13,VARPTR(F$):CALL61162,24,VARPTR(F$):IF PEEK(-1)=0 THENBEEP:PRINT"Save failed":BEEP:BEEP:STOPELSERETURN 230 PRINT"Files on disk are:":CLOSE:LFILESTO"FXX":OPEN"FXX"FORINPUTAS1 232 INPUT#1,F$:IFRIGHT$(F$,1)<>"e"THENPRINTLEFT$(F$,10);:GOTO232 234 CLOSE:PRINT:RETURN 240 MAXFILES=1 260 ONERRORGOTO3000 280 OPEN"FXX"FORINPUTAS1 300 IFYTHENFORF=0TOY-1:INPUT#1,F$:NEXT:Y=0 340 INPUT#1,F$:F$=LEFT$(F$,9):PRINTF$" "; 360 IFEOF(1)THENBEEP:BEEP:BEEP:BEEP:PRINT" Finished loading files":CLOSE:PRINT:KILL"FXX.DO":OPEN"FYY"FOROUTPUTAS1:CLOSE:KILL"FYY.DO":GOTO5000 400 PRINT"<=-loading";:F=F+1:IFF$="NODELO.BA"THENGOSUB220:PRINT:GOTO340 420 :IFRIGHT$(F$,3)<>".BA"THENLOADM"0:"+F$,F:GOSUB220:PRINT"...killing":KILLF$:GOTO340 500 I$="600":GOSUB180 520 :LOADM"0:"+F$,F 600 GOSUB160:GOSUB220 700 I$="800":GOSUB180 720 :PRINT"...killing":KILLF$ 800 GOSUB160 900 GOTO280 1000 PRINT"in 1000:stop 3000 RESUME 3100:'---Error routines--- 3100 ONERRORGOTO0:CLS:PRINT@15,"NODE LOAD":PRINT@47,"Copyright 1990, Louis Self" 3120 F$="":A$="Yes":PRINT:PRINT"Press ... or type ";CHR$(34);A$;CHR$(34);" to reformat the DataPac (KILL all files)":INPUTF$:IFF$=A$THENCALL61162,9:PRINT" Reformatted! 3200 GOSUB230 3900 F$="":PRINT:PRINT" xit for editing FXX.DO or...":INPUT" to load all files from disk";F$ 4000 IF F$<>""THENMENU 4100 GOTO280 5000 PRINT:PRINT"NODEBK.BA Backup with Node DataPac":PRINT:PRINT" by Louis Self [74076,1273]":PRINT:PRINT" (requires Node's ROM & POWR-DISK)" 5005 PRINT:PRINT"Select: 1) Format Disk":PRINT" 2) Save DataPac to disk":PRINT" 3) Load disk files to DataPac":PRINT" 4) Exit Program 5010 OUT129,0:F=INP(131):IFF=131THENBEEP:PRINT"Shut off computer and connect DataPac":STOPELSEIFF<>64 THENBEEP:PRINT"DataPac is not formatted":STOP 5020 CLEAR120:X=VAL(INPUT$(1)):ONXGOTO5040,2,240,5060:GOTO5020 5040 GOSUB230:KILL"":PRINT"Format: Sure?":IFINSTR("Yy",INPUT$(1))THENCALLMAXRAM+15,6:BEEP:GOTO5000ELSEGOTO5000 5060 CLOSE:MENU 64999 STOP 65000 LPRINT,,,TIME$" "DATE$" Verson of NODEBK.BA":LPRINT CHR$(27)"*0";CHR$(27)"[";CHR$(27)"E12"CHR$(27)"L8":LLIST Save"NODEBK.BA" BEEP MENU