PUZZL2.200 by Paul Globman Copyright (c) 1989 Here's a little puzzle that I have seen posed as a brain teaser somewhere... and indeed it is! The rules are simple... the right arrow will rotate the letters clockwise. The left arrow will rotate the letters counter-clockwise. The ESC key will restart the puzzle from the beginning. The down arrow will reverse the four letters in the box. You start with the letters alphabetized except for 'A' and 'B', which are reversed. Your task is to reverse the 'A' and 'B' so all the letters are in order. The number in the upper right corner of the LCD counts "moves". A move is a reversal of the boxed letters. Left of right rotation is not counted as a move. Can you alphabetize the letters in 50 moves? How about 30 moves? How about 20 moves? Have fun!! 0 REM PUZZL2.200 Copyright (c) 1989 1 REM by Paul Globman 2 DIML(20):D$="BACDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST" 3 CLS:FORI=1TO20:READL(I):GOSUB17:NEXT 4 FORI=0TO2:GOSUB15:NEXT 5 FORI=1TO20:PRINT@L(I),MID$(D$,I,1) 6 NEXT:PRINT@75,C:X$=INKEY$ 7 IFX$=CHR$(27)THENRUN 8 IFX$=CHR$(29)THENGOSUB20 9 IFX$=CHR$(28)THENGOSUB21 10 IFX$=CHR$(31)THENC=C+1:GOSUB22 11 GOTO5 12 DATA 254,257,260,263,266,309,351 13 DATA 431,469,506,503,500,497,494 14 DATA 491,448,406,326,288,251 15 LINE(76+I,35+I)-(150-I,67-I),1,B 16 RETURN 17 X1=((L(I)MOD40)*6)-3:X2=X1+10 18 Y1=((L(I)\40)*8)-4:Y2=Y1+14 19 LINE(X1,Y1)-(X2,Y2),1,B:RETURN 20 D$=MID$(D$+D$,2,20):RETURN 21 D$=MID$(D$+D$,20,20):RETURN 22 MID$(D$,1,4)=MID$(D$,4,1)+MID$(D$,3,1)+MID$(D$,2,1)+MID$(D$,1,1):RETURN