0 'PWRDSK.MOD (c)1989 Wilson Van Alst All rights reserved 1 'Changes LFILES and LFILES TO for a full-screen file display, instead of 2 'the usual 15-at-a-time. 3 'File length information is no longer given. 4 ' 5 'Run this program with POWR-DISK active. 6 ' 10 DEFINTA-Z:ONERRORGOTO50 20 IF58960-MAXRAMOR5-PEEK(33)THENBEEP:PRINT"T200 only. POWR-DSK must be installed.":END 30 FORR=-6362TO-6357:POKER,CHIP:NEXT 40 POKE-Y,SEX:READY,SET:GOTO40 50 IFERL-40THENPRINT"Bad listing":ENDELSEMENU 60 DATA6378,10,6343,205,6342,62,6341,79,6266,201