RF-NOD.200x (c)1990 R.W.Hess ------------------------------ RF-NOD is a 615 byte .BA program which automatically operates Node DATAPAC files. .BA or .CO programs will be loaded into RAM and run and .DO files will be loaded into RAM and entered. If a .CO program runs in HIMEM, RF-NOD will automatically clear the necessary RAM before running the program. It uses Paul Globman's RAMDSK.CO to access NODE DATAPAC files and Paul's XOS-C cross-bank operating system to run RAMDSK.CO from Bank 3. Download this file, remove any download "garbage" and checksum this file. Then use TEXT F7 and F5 to "copy" and "paste" the program code below into BASIC: save the program as desired. Before running RF-NODE, be sure that XOS-C is correctly installed in all 3 banks and that RAMDSK.CO is stored in Bank 3. Operation is very simple: run the program and enter the name of a file including the extension using either UPPER or lower case letters. The file will be loaded into RAM and run: .CO files will first clear the correct RAM, .BA files will run and .DO files will be entered as if cursor selected. alone at the prompt sets HIMEM=61104 and returns to the Main Menu. Any of the following conditions will abort the Load/Run process with a "BEEP", print "file can't" and END: - if the filename you entered is not in the DATAPAC (double-BEEP) - if the file extension is not .CO .BA or .DO - if Free RAM is less than twice a .CO program's length (The .CO program may have been transferred into RAM but couldn't load.) - if the EXEcute address of a .CO program is lower then its TOP address (HIMEM programs will have been transferred into RAM but not loaded.) - if MAXRAM does not equal 61104 (no filename displays: just "can't") - if RAMDSK.CO cannot load from Bank 3 - if there is not enough room in RAM for the target file then RF-NOD will BEEP and return to the Main Menu. Op. notes: RF-NOD.BA clears needed HIMEM for .CO files and RUNs your file. If you only need to LOAD the file into RAM, use RAMDSK.CO normally. RF-NOD sets HIMEM=61104 before running any Alt/LCD program. RF-NOD can be run cross-bank but will NOT remove itself from RAM so that "return-where-called" .CO programs can be returned to the Main Menu. When you've finished with a file, .BA and .DO files will remain in RAM as visible Main Menu files and .CO files will be left loaded but NOT on the menu. The last .DO or .BA file accessed by RF-NOD will remain as the bank's "IPL" file until changed by you or the selected file. You can set IPL"" (null) by simply re-running RF-NOD: press at the prompt. ----CREDITS---- Paul Globman wrote RAMDSK.CO and XOS-C and beta-tested RF-NOD. Ed Geise originally wrote the self-clearing, "RUNM" code for .CO files. Randy Hess 73267,552 Omaha, Ne 8/26/90 --------------- 0 'RF-NOD.200(C)1990,R.W.Hess 1 IFMAXRAM-61104THEN8ELSECLEAR100,59838:KEYON:IPL"":DEFSTRA-G:K=61177:L=63574:CALL41179:F="3:RAMDSK.CO":CALL63600,8,VARPTR(F):IFPEEK(61302)THEN8 2 LINEINPUT"DATAPAC file.ext: ";F:IFF=""THENCLEAR0,MAXRAM:MENUELSEJ=INSTR(".CO.co.BA.ba.DO.do",RIGHT$(F,3)):IFJ=0THEN8 3 D=F+CHR$(13)+CHR$(13)+"Y"+CHR$(0):POKEK,PEEK(VARPTR(D)+1):POKEK+1,PEEK(VARPTR(D)+2):IFJ>6THEN11 4 CALL60444:POKEK+1,0:CLS:ONERRORGOTO5:LOADMF:KILLF:GOSUB9:CLEAR0,T:GOTO7 5 GOSUB9:IFERR=7ANDPEEK(R+2)+256*PEEK(R+3)MAXRAMTHENT=MAXRAM:RETURNELSERETURN 11 FORP=LTOL+5:READM:POKEP,M:NEXT:IPLF:CALLL 12 DATA205,28,236,205,0,0