******** Documentation for SCROFF.200 ******** (c)1987 Wilson Van Alst [76576,2735] As M100 users found out when they tried to use 1200 Baud external modems with their machines, TELCOM communication speed is limited by relatively slow LCD scrolling routines in ROM. For the 100, that limit is about 600 Baud unless you disable scrolling. The T200 screen is faster, allowing 1200 bps communication with no LCD slowdown, but it will not handle 2400 Baud. Thus, SCROFF.200 -- a loader to install a bit of m/l code that turns TELCOM's key into an on/off toggle for LCD scrolling. --------- INSTALLATION: Download SCROFF.200 as a document and convert it to a BASIC program in the usual way. It doesn't care what you call it, but for purposes of this discussion, we'll assume it's SCROFF.BA. When you run the program, the first menu page will tell you whether TELCOM's key is already in use. If it is, you'll have to decide whether you want to change its function. Be advised: there may be ice on this road; so be sure your important files are backed up before going further. If you choose the INSTALL option, it will check again for potential conflicts and instruct you what to do if it finds one. If there are none, it gives you a choice of where to put the 10 bytes of m/l code that perform the LCD toggle. At this point, options <1> or <2> will "hide" that code in an area where BASIC stores its key functions. I have installed the SCROFF code in a dark corner behind the BASIC "Menu" key -- but some people use that area for a routine that adds linefeeds to 's enroute to their printer or RS232 port. So, you're given the chance to install the SCROFF stuff behind the BASIC "Run" key, instead. (In either case, the chores performed by those keys in BASIC will not be changed; though you should be aware that re-defining the chosen key, after SCROFF code is installed, could invite disaster.) Options <3> or <4> of the INSTALL menu allow you to put the SCROFF routine at the top of accessible RAM (it will load underneath any m/l programs currently installed, and HIMEM will be re-set to protect it), or at another address that you specify. Once the SCROFF code is installed, SCROFF.BA can be killed. -------- REMOVAL: The first program menu in SCROFF.BA allows you to remove the m/l routine, wherever it's installed. It will re-set the key in TELCOM to the coldstart value (i.e., the key will do nothing). Beware of the "Remove" option if another program is already using TERM's : it will poke ten 0's into the middle of the other program's code -- with unredictable results. -------- THANKS: To Tony Anderson for documenting the TERM hook at 62783. -------- NOTES: The other key address in this routine is at EF0Bh (61195d). The normal value there is 0. Any other value will disable scrolling. This is the m/l routine that is CALLed by the hook: PUSH PSW LDA EF0B CMA STA EF0B POP PSW RET --------