Shpdrw.200 is a shape drawing utility, called from Basic. Use it to enhance the picturesque dimension of your programs and games. To use it, first compile it into .CO machine language file from .DO hex format, by using either DOCO.200, or BIN-HX.BA, if you want to load it into a different memory area. To draw a shape, first there has to be a shape table. There is a sample table called BOMBER.SHP, which was merged into DL initially, and as more shapes are added to the data library, they can be fished out by searching for files with .SHP extension. To display a shape, from Basic do this: CALL draw,shape#,coordinate DRAW is fixed at 63574, unless you relocated it. SHAPE# can range from 0 to number of shapes in the table minus 1. COORdinate is X+Y*256: for exmp, to draw at coordinate (10,10), it is 2570 Before you call it, there are several memory locations that has to properly poked: -14 and -13: has to contain the location of shape table. Low order in -14 and High order in -13. -12: 0 indicates that you are drawing shapes in the shape table. 1 indicates you want to print ASCII characters in rom. For example, if you poke 1 into - 12, shape# corresponds to the ASCII code of a character. When printing ASCII, you need not define the location of shape table. -11: 0 indicates xor drawing, which means that graphics image is xor'ed onto the screen, which means that if you draw once, it will appear, then if you draw the shape over it again, it will disappear. 1 indicates paint drawing, which will either darken or erase the area of shape, according to the paint color stored at -10. -10: contains paint color. 0 is white, 255 is black, any other value results in striped shapes. Equipped with this information, you are ready to start creating colorful graphics programs. To create your own shapes, see SHPMKR.200 and SHPMKR.DOC in dl10. Shpdrw.200 can be adapted for 100. If anyone wants to attempt it, I'll be glad to assist. Contact James Yi 73327,1653