1 REM STSAVE program to save TELECOM status 2 REM Benno Blumenthal [73117,3026] 15 Mar 1986 3 REM This program generates a .CO file that when run resets the following TELECOM parameters and calls TELECOM: 4 REM duplex,echo to LP, send LF , and STATUS string (i.e. M7I1ENN,O,T) 5 REM the easiest way to use STSAVE is to use TELECOM to set the parameters 6 REM the way you want them, go back to main menu, and call STSAVE 7 REM (see LFEED.200 to reset the send/don't send linefeed flag; it is a 8 REM poke at location 61243) 10 INPUT "Name";F$:SAVEM F$,61241,61252,24573