SWITCH.200 BY CARMEN PAONE [72677,42] Have you ever had to exchange blocks of text between two .DO files on your Tandy 200? The old procedure was to call up one file, put the desired data into the paste buffer, and then go back to the RAM menu to access the target file. SWITCH.200 will allow you to flip back and forth between two files with the push of an F-key. Information can easily be exchanged between two files in no time at all. In order to make SWITCH.200 work, the user will have to type in the names of two files, he wishes to access. The files will be renamed as "F1.DO" and "F2.DO". When the user is finished exchanging data in the files, he can use the ""SWITCH"" option to restore the original filenames. Cut and paste the program below the dotted line and put it into a .DO file called "SWITCH" Run the .DO file through BASIC and save it as "SWITCH.BA". ================WARNING=============== This program will cause conflicts with other ROM chip-based programs that reside in the Alternate LCD buffer on the 200. Some examples of these programs are ROM chips such as ROM2/Cleauseau or the NODE DATAPAK ROM chip. A freeze-up on the screen and garbled files will result from this conflict. ...................................... 0 REM SWITCH.200 BY CARMEN PAONE [72677,42] 1 CLS:PRINT@80,STRING$(40,239);:PRINT@202,"SWITCH.200"STRING$(8,155)STRING$(8,154)"002.HCTIWS":PRINT@320,STRING$(40,239);:PRINT@600,"FILE1 FILE2 NAME SWITCH MENU";:KEYON:ONKEYGOSUB5,8,,3,4,4,,11 2 GOTO2 3 CLS:Y$="f1":Z$="f2":PRINT@40,:FILES:PRINT:INPUT"RENAME #1:";A$:NAMEA$+".DO"ASY$+".DO":PRINT:INPUT"RENAME #2:";B$:NAMEB$+".DO"ASZ$+".DO":CLS:PRINT@40,:FILES:FORT=1TO1999:NEXTT:GOTO1 4 CLS:PRINT@40,:FILES:Y$="F1":Z$="F2":PRINT:INPUT"SWITCH #1:";A$:NAMEY$+".DO"ASA$+".DO":PRINT:INPUT"SWITCH #2:";B$:NAMEZ$+".DO"ASB$+".DO":CLS:PRINT@40,:FILES:FORT=1TO1999:NEXTT:GOTO1 5 CLS:F$="F1.do":OPENF$FORAPPENDAS1:IFLEN(F$)=0THENBEEP 6 VP=VARPTR(#1):CLOSE:DI=PEEK(VP+2)+256*PEEK(VP+3):AD=PEEK(DI)+256*PEEK(DI+1):FORI=63574TO63620:READX:POKEI,X:NEXTI:DATA 229,213,197,245,235,42,80,246,229,33,0,0,34,210,239,57,34,80,246,213,62,1 7 DATA 33,114,248,195,39,115,225,225,34,80,246,205,226,131,175,50,50,239,61,50:DATA 10,239,195,4,22:CALL63574,,AD:SCREEN,0:RUN1 8 CLS:F$="F2.do":OPENF$FORAPPENDAS1:IFLEN(F$)=0THENBEEP 9 VP=VARPTR(#1):CLOSE:DI=PEEK(VP+2)+256*PEEK(VP+3):AD=PEEK(DI)+256*PEEK(DI+1):FORI=63574TO63620:READX:POKEI,X:NEXTI:DATA 229,213,197,245,235,42,80,246,229,33,0,0,34,210,239,57,34,80,246,213,62,1 10 DATA 33,114,248,195,39,115,225,225,34,80,246,205,226,131,175,50,50,239,61,50:DATA 10,239,195,4,22:CALL63574,,AD:SCREEN,0:RUN1 11 MENU