TEACHR.DOC ========== TEACHR.BA is a teaching machine program for the Tandy 200 Portable Computer - a computer version of flashcards which can be used to learn materials which lend themselves to the question/answer format. Another interesting application is the learning of poetry - or your lines for a play! Sets of up to 50 questions and answers are saved to RAM as data (.DO) files QUEST01.DO to QUEST99.DO, and may be loaded into the program for drill sessions. It would be simple to edit the program to allow more questions and answers in a set, or to give the data files various names, and use several copies of TEACHR.BA, with different names, to practice different kinds of questions. The menu items are pretty much self-explanatory. After using menu choice "1) WRITE A NEW FLASHCARD SET," you will be asked to give a number for the set; this can be any number from 1 to 99, but must be DIFFERENT from the number of any other set previously written, or you will over-write the older set and destroy it if it is in RAM. In saving or loading a set, it is not necessary to enter leading "0"'s - they are added automatically for numbers under 10. Menu item "3) DRILL THE SET NOW LOADED" leads to a few instructions prior to starting your "Q & A" session. You may enter *STOP at any time to stop your drill session, at which time you can, if you wish, view your score. You may view your score at any time in the session by entering *SCORE - and you can also reset your score at any time with *RESET - in either case resuming your drill where you left off. You may choose to drill the questions in order, or have them presented at random from the set. During the drill session, you may view the answer without giving any response by simply hitting the bar or key. Doing this will not alter your score. Also, if you give any part of a correct response for your answer, you will be scored as correct. This odd feature is present so that, when you are drilling and encounter a question which has a long response, like SUPERCALAFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS, you can just enter "SUPER" or "S" and continue the drill. This is especially nice if you already know the correct response to most of the questions, and happen to encounter the same question several times at close intervals when drilling in random order. Exit the program with menu item 6, which will return you to the M200 Main Menu. Suggestions for improving the program, or comments as to how you may be using it will be happily accepted, via Easyplex or the M100 SIG! - Dick Spindler [76537,1623]