TELNOD.CMD (c) 1990, Randall W. Hess & Paul Globman All Rights Reserved --------------------------------------------------- TELNOD.CMD integrates the operation of TELCOM with RAMDSK.CO and permits you to fully access the Node DATAPAC while on-line with the internal modem, without losing the carrier! This greatly expands the amount of memory available for uploads and downloads while using the internal modem. It uses Paul Globman's RAMDSK.CO(c) to access the DATAPAC while on-line and utilizes XOS-C. XOS-C/RAMDSK users can now choose between the on-line bank switching of XOS/XTLCM3's F7 or, by running TELNOD.CMD, F7 direct on-line access to the DATAPAC. (And TELNOD doesn't affect XOS-C's F6 enhancements!) SET-UP Remove all download "garbage" and checksum this file! The best way to create TELNOD is simply "Copy" the 5 lines of code at the end of these instructions using TEXT's F7 and F5. Then go into BASIC, type NEW and "Paste" the code into BASIC, "Save" the code as TELNOD.BA and make a back-up copy. XOS-C must be installed and RAMDSK.CO must be in Bank-3. TELNOD.BA can be renamed as CMD>.BA or anything else but must also be on the menu in Bank 3 to operate properly. TELNOD.BA is 405 bytes long. OPERATION Run TELNOD.BA using XOS-C's F3(CMD>) function key. TELNOD clears RAM space for RAMDSK.CO, loads it into HIMEM from Bank 3, and then goes to TELCOM: dial-up as usual. Once you are on-line, Function Key F7 will take you directly to RAMDSK.CO. After incoming data stops, either at a prompt or after using a CTRL-O or CTRL-S, simply press F7 to access the DATAPAC: move files to/from RAM, rename etc. When you've finished with the DATAPAC press F1 (now labeled "Term") to return on-line and, when the "term" label line displays, you can continue where you left off. USAGE TIPS - REMEMBER that F6 will give you "bytes free" while on-line and SHIFT/F6 takes you to TEXT for editing RAM files while on-line. - STOP your download with the F2 key BEFORE accessing the DATAPAC. Failure to turn F2 "off" will cause the "bytes-free" function of F6 to return an inaccurate value. (Subsequent download to the same-named file followed by F2/"off" SHOULD restore accurate F6 operation but repeated DATAPAC access without first turning F2 "off" may cause TELCOM to abort ALL downloads.) - If you're downloading and don't mind "losing" a few bytes, then simply keep an eye on the "down" label and send a CTRL-S when you see the "download aborted" (RAM full) message. Press F7, save the file to the DATAPAC, and press F1 to return on-line. (Don't forget the CTRL-Q!) Since RAMDSK only needs 1-2 seconds to copy 17k of data to the DATAPAC, this is probably the fastest way to download a lot of message traffic etc. - You might find it helpful to use the same name for all downloads (e.g "TMP") and simply save the files to the DATAPAC with more meaningful names. Subsequent downloads to "TMP" will, of course, "kill" the previous download to that file and restore RAM for the next use. - Many information services will "hang-up" after a while if you don't remind them you're still around. And remember: the "meter" is still running while you're using the DATAPAC. - DON'T move .BA files from the DATAPAC into RAM while on-line! When you've finished with TELCOM, exit Term & TELCOM as usual with F8. The main menu will display briefly, clear and redisplay: TELNOD.BA has now removed itself and RAMDSK.CO, restored HIMEM to 61104 and reset all "hooks" to the XTLCM3 values used by XOS-C. If you have any problems, comments or suggestions please leave a message on the M100 SIG or drop a note via E-Mail. Randy Hess Paul Globman 73267,552 72227,1661 Omaha, Ne Sunrise, Fl May, 1990 ============================================================================= 0 'TELNOD.CMD(c)1990,R.Hess&P.Globman 1 A=59778:IFHIMEM-ATHENCLEAR0,A:CALL41179:X$="3:RAMDSK.CO":CALL63600,8,VARPTR(X$):IFPEEK(61302)=0THEN3 2 IPL"":A=-738:POKEA,1:POKEA+1,7:POKEA+2,255:CLEAR0,MAXRAM:NEW 3 FORX=0TO59:READY:POKE59778+X,Y+X:NEXT:CALLHIMEM 4 DATA33,83,99,31,11,233,27,107,101,25,7,227,21,150,219,19,45,228,15,168,213,13,43,222,9,153,207,7,223,204,175,222,63,0,45,209,-2,28,207,-6,128,115,-8,18,201,160,-46,-47,157,50,29,154,25,26,151,65,43,148,31,20