TEXTe.DOC [6/6/89] Copyright (c) 1989 by James Yi [73327,1653] TEXTe.100 and TEXTe.200 adds these features to the TEXT editor: 1) Word wrap disable 2) Overwrite characters 3) Copy(F5)/Cut(F6) and append to paste buffer, instead replacing its previous content. These features are active whenever you edit a text file, whether it is created through TEXTe, selected directly from Menu, a Basic program being edited. The E stands for "Enhanced" To install it, 1) Download TEXTe.100 or TEXTe.200 and convert it to a Basic program. 2) Run it and after you give it relocating information it will create TEXTE.CO, containing the actual program to be installed, and TXEINS.CO, the installer. 3) Delete all Basic files that might be deleted or edited after TEXTe is installed. 4) Then run TXEINS.CO. It will install TEXTe and delete TXEINS.CO and TEXTE.CO automatically. The installed code takes up about 480 bytes. TEXT becomes TEXTe to indicate it is installed. The Basic loader asks for End address for TXEINS.CO. End is the location of the last byte of the program when it's LOADMed in memory. Just pressing ENTER loads it right below the current HIMEM. If you have a disk operating system or something in HIMEM, just press ENTER to load the program right below it. Before running TXEINS.CO, create HIMEM space for it by entering the following command from Basic: CLEAR 0,Top (To find out the Top, type LOADM"TXEINS"). Then remove from memory all Basic programs that might be edited or killed. This is so that after TEXTe is installed, its location will not be affected when changes are made to other Basic files. The removed files can be loaded back in after the installation is complete. During installation, it lets you setup default settings. Use the cursor keys to select, and press space bar to change the settings. Press ENTER when ready, or ESC to abort installation. Hold down SHIFT while pressing ENTER if you don't want TEXTE.CO and TXEINS.CO deleted automatically. An invisible Basic file named "TEXTe..." will be created containing the machine language TEXTe code. While editing text, the default settings can be altered by using the following ESC sequence. Press ESC and then press O to toggle between Overwrite/Insert mode. W to toggle word wrapping on/off. In either Overwrite or Insert mode, you can insert a space by pressing SHIFT while hitting the space bar. The cursor stays over the inserted space, and you can write over it, if you are in Overwrite mode. You can temporarily reverse the Append/Replace mode, fixed at installation, by pressing down SHIFT along with Cut(F6) or Copy(F5) buttons. You would have set the mode to whichever one that you use more often, and when you need the other mode, use SHIFT-F5/F6. To remove TEXTe, just run TXEINS.CO again. Using TEXTe as XOS-C utility: TEXTe can be installed as XOS-C's F3 utility if you use XOS-C. The XOS version is available as TEXTE.XOS. XOS-C is the system enhancement program written by Paul Globman. The advantage of using TEXTe with XOS is that you need to have only one copy to use it from all 3 banks - TEXTe has to be installed in each bank, so the overall saving is about 1000 bytes if you have 3 banks. The disadvantage is that you can only have TEXTe functions by selecting the file from Menu with XOS's F3 key. Running TEXTE.XOS creates TEXTE.CO. After it is created, set initial configuration, the modes that TEXTe will be in when F3 is pressed. F3 should be pressed while the cursor is over a text file. If not, the program will ask for a text file name. Read XOS-C.DOC to find out how to setup the F3 utility. If you have questions, problems, or suggestions for improvements, leave me a message.