This is a modification of "VIEW2" which allows up to 60 column output on the M200 screen. It is compatible with the RESIDENT PORTION of TS-DOS and will not interfere with files loading and saving via TEXT or BASIC For more information on VIEW , see the VIEW series on this DL HOW TO GET IT WORKING --------------------- You need : V60LDR.200 (loader) VIEW60.200 (basic source code) TCOMPL.200 (M200 version of TCOMP.121 needed to compile VIEW60) ALL THESE FILES SHOULD BE CONVERTED TO .BA FILES BEFORE USING. 1) load VIEW60.BA and type RUN 1000 (this will create VDATA.CO) 2) delete lines 1000-1127 of VIEW60.BA as they are not to be compiled 3) make sure VIEW60.BA (less lines 1000-1127) is saved to ram (MENU) 4) load and run TCOMPL.BA with these parameters : start = 56500 end = 57999 source = VIEW60 object = (press ENTER) TCOMPL will compile VIEW60 and will give various messages while compiling. 5) after compile is complete, type NEW to kill TCOMPL.BA 6) type SAVEM"VIEW60",56500,58380,56500 7) go to MENU and kill VDATA.CO and VIEW60.BA as they are now included into VIEW60.CO You now have a working copy of VIEW60.CO which can be saved with TS-DOS. To view any text (.DO) file run V60LDR.BA If you want to review the same .DO file again, just run V60LDR without specifying any parameters. It remembers the last used. NOTE: V60LDR.BA, VIEW60.CO and any text (.DO) file should be saved to ram (MENU ) to be used. VIEW60.CO COMMANDS ARE : UP-ARROW will restart display at top of file M will take you back to main menu E will jump to TEXT for any editing ANY OTHER KEY will display next page of text or if at end jump to main menu. NOTE: TCOMPL.200 is in DL10 Enjoy a 60 column screen on the M200 ! LUC BOUCHARD 73327,2320